Lucas formula, RDWC question


Hey everybody. So I just made a recirculating dwc system based entirely on the water farm with circulation kit. Minus the drip rings, with the addition of air stones for each bucket plus the big reservoirs.

I will be using the Lucas formula and using the method where you keep adding ph'd RO water to the res until that amount equals the original amount you put in and then you mix up a new batch of nutes. So here is my question: do I just add all the nute solution to all the buckets and the controller res, and then fill up the main res (the one on top of the controller, using only phd RO water) with same amount of water as the controller and once that runs out do a nute change? Or would I wait to change nutes til I add enough water to match the TOTAL amount of nutrient solution in all the buckets AND controller?

Thanks RIU.


This is old as hell..... but just in case anyone is still wondering.. here's your answer.

You dont want to add the same amount of fresh water, as you added nute water. If you have a 50 gal res, you would keep adding fresh water until you have added about 25 gallons of it. Then you are ready for a res change. So it really doesnt matter how you fill up your system or what you fill up first...... Once you've added half pure water, to whatever the original capacity was, then its time for a change. If your dealing with beneficial bacteria, which I doubt that you are, since you are following the Lucas Formula, then you would do res changes less frequently.

And one last thing on the Lucas formula. Just because nutrient bottles show some of the ingredients that they contain, doesnt mean that is all that is in them. There's a ton of other stuff that make up a nutrient mix. The Lucas formula says that they save you some money because you dont have to buy FloraGro, but FloraMicro is more expensive and following the Lucas formula tells you to add more then what the directions tell you to add. So your really not saving any money and your possibly missing out on valuable minerals that your no longer giving your plants.

Dont follow the lead....