LSD - barney's farm, 1st journal....2yrs exp


ahhhhh yes.... the countdown begins :bigjoint:

my two ladies pictured above.... HolyGrail69er on the left, LSD on the right
now under a 400w HPS
sucks though.... have to figure out how to take pictures without the black lines..... HPS messing shit up lol


so wont be cloning anymore LSD or HG69 for a bit.
gotta get all these babies flowering! woohoo!!

so I still have an OGskywalker momma. she's pretty short, so that'll give me time to grow her out and clear my veg room.
i'll keep the pics n updates coming

Thanks everybody for the kind words,



just a few pics of the flowering ladies, well, about to be flowering lol
they are only a few days in, but responding well to the HPS.
This is my 1st full HPS flowering.... previously done t5HO, cfl's, led's, and combos of,
but not full HPS.... anxious to see the end result.




Well-Known Member
just a few pics of the flowering ladies, well, about to be flowering lol
they are only a few days in, but responding well to the HPS.
This is my 1st full HPS flowering.... previously done t5HO, cfl's, led's, and combos of,
but not full HPS.... anxious to see the end result.

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Nice man you should be very happy with the full hps, also how long did you veg those they look real nice and bushy I'm actually thinking of switching up my set up to all, of the 5 gallon buckets instead of soil just because I'm loving the results from that Gh bucket.


Nice man you should be very happy with the full hps, also how long did you veg those they look real nice and bushy I'm actually thinking of switching up my set up to all, of the 5 gallon buckets instead of soil just because I'm loving the results from that Gh bucket.
hey DT, these ladies were sitting on the veg side of town for apx 42 days,
I had been reading that some people werent getting good results with LSD,
so I think she looks nice also, thanks DT.
The Holygrail is looking sweet too.
I completely love Monty Python, thats why I chose that strain. hahaha
5 gal buckets are really simple, ....
I had my heart set on soil at first.... but once you grow these side by side... its hard to want to do soil again. lol
here i go talkin too much again,
anyways.... gonna snap some pics of them again, they are stretching out nice.... not too much, but nice.
gardening, especially the MJ, is such a blast!



so I changed nutes on my flowering gals,
just some fresh dynagro bloom and protekt.
i also spit some AdvNut Supertea bloom in there.
the bottle was on sale, so i couldnt resist. I like the fizz... lets see how long it'll stay fresh.
plus, supposedly AN is the best nute brand. i know its only the comp tea, but we'll see.
so yeah, .....

HolyGrail 69er

thats one day after res change, .... i think about 8 days into FLWR.

be back soon with some pics from the VEG side



Looking really nice. I have some LSD seeds so will sub to this and see how this turns out. On my first grow and really enjoying the ease of DWC. Though I use a res so the water is easier to change. To each their own!

Reading through your journal here really has made me want to go home and just start trimming my plant, have yet to do any.


Looking really nice. I have some LSD seeds so will sub to this and see how this turns out. On my first grow and really enjoying the ease of DWC. Though I use a res so the water is easier to change. To each their own!

Reading through your journal here really has made me want to go home and just start trimming my plant, have yet to do any.
thanks DJ
you know, i've been trying to figure a way to use a res and have'm all kinda tied in,
summer gets pretty warm here, so i usually switch back to soil so I dont go crazy trying to keep the water under 80F lol
yeah, a res, gotta figure that out, plus I like to run a couple three strains at a time. more if i could.

trimming is a trip, a mind trip for some reason.... dang stoner lol
i have absolutely no problem whatsoever trimming ANY of my veggies/spices outside. Shit, I HACKED the crap outta my tomato plants, they gave me so much more good veggies.
but indoors...... maybe the ganja, but it takes me like 20 mins of arguing with myself to get it done lol
like it hurts them or i dont know, but when i do, i ALWAYS have some sort of rhyme or reason at least.

on my two girls in the flower room, I had stopped trimming a few weeks into veg. kinda just to see.
so they got bushy, they looked pretty healthy.
as I've switched them to flower, still no trimming..... didnt have to. my girls are streching and most of the big fan leaves I would have normally cut, are no longer an issue. space is only so wide, I will have to trim perimeter leaves to fit some more girlies in there.
anyways, for me, I thought that was pretty cool seeing them stretch above the fan leaves.
happy growing


Ya I am really happy I went with a res. I saw all the dwc and bubble buckets but to me it just looked way to hard to swap water if/when needed. It is really a simple design that I am going to improve on when I move my plant soon. It is also nice to have a drain valve on the res so I can just open it and let it drain in to a drainage pipe in the basement.

Here is what it basically is. Circulates great. Now all I need is a sink down there =)

If cooling is ever a issue for me I am going to run a water line through a little thing like this With some ice packs in it should cool any water running through the thing =)



haha, thats pretty cool, the Peltier thing.

getting some ideas about the res now lol, for future anyways.

been working on the new rooms, getting tired, must go on....gotta lightseal that shiznit



Well-Known Member
hey DT, these ladies were sitting on the veg side of town for apx 42 days,
I had been reading that some people werent getting good results with LSD,
so I think she looks nice also, thanks DT.
The Holygrail is looking sweet too.
I completely love Monty Python, thats why I chose that strain. hahaha
5 gal buckets are really simple, ....
I had my heart set on soil at first.... but once you grow these side by side... its hard to want to do soil again. lol
here i go talkin too much again,
anyways.... gonna snap some pics of them again, they are stretching out nice.... not too much, but nice.
gardening, especially the MJ, is such a blast!

Nice nice yeah I just did one in the buckets next to one in a 3 gallon soil bad and the hydro one is just so much denser has fatter mugs and more frosty and a stronger smell all around better so I think I most definetly will make the switch over to the hydro side ha


been tired working on this set up.
moved the girls over.
got it i think like 99% lightsealed.
just had to move alot of crap around.

here are the flowering ladies, HG69 and LSD
also threw in the 1 set of LSD clones along with the 2 autos in the center.
they look pretty tiny compared to the others lol

then on the veg side, I cant leave out my skywalkerOG in the 5 GAL,
1 tote o' HG69
1 tote o' LSD hhehehehhe



so here's what the ladies are lookin like under the HPS
and one left under the T5HO's

just been refreshing the nute mix n such, .... sticking w/ Dynagro as base, plus using what additives I have left since i've paid for them anyway.
havent been worried too much about temps, i just ice them once a day and they are fine.
when i do check; avg H2O temp 69F, hum@50% (higher than normal for my place.... not sure whats up), avg 72F under canopy, dont care to worry too much about closer to light... if I see some burn on the leaves then I know its too hot. lol
yeah, so, ...
haPPy groWing



yeah, so cant get a good pic under the HPS lol
thats about as close till next time i pull any of the girls out from under, anyways,

so the girls in the back have apx 21-28 days or so, then up front more like 40-45 days to harvest......
they seem ok to me, 1st time with these strains....... i think i have too much on my mind.
very stressfull financially round here, really gettin deep in my brain.
but i had a good interview today so hopefully that worry will cease next week.
and so,
switched out res on my skywalker and did some damage.
got some black stuff on the leaves.... when i did some research looked like phos defic to me, but didnt make sense.,
i did not clean the bucket very good, i think it had some crap in it or something, i'll get some pics soon.
but i switched back to original res with fresh nutes and she's looking better.
make sure shits clean


the gals under the t5HO's

had this weird shiznit show up after a res change, especially the small under growth....tripped me out.
switched it back with fresh nutes, she's much better.


New Member
Hey guys just joined the site.i know this was an older post but its worth a shot.last year I grew an LSD from Barney's and while I didn't get a ton off the plant,what I did get was a delicious experience.u definitely got a little fuller plant than I did burwood good time with the LSD my plant had that same dark green color and had an awesome almost "mint" taste and scent, very reminiscent of a snocap variety I once had.just started my newest projects bc god bud,amphetamine automatic and 2 of the strains from 7dwarfs( just had to try one of those 1ft tall bastards lol ) working on learning how to use the site and start a grow journal for this time so if anyone is interested ill keep u all up to date.rock on friends