Lowlife's Auto HINDU KUSH - 385w CFL - 9700 lumens sq foot


Well-Known Member
I've got myself some feminised auto hindu kush beans from lowlife to blast with good old CFL wattage.
I've popped 4 beans in, 2 in each 4.4 gallon rectangular box with good drainage.
1/3 perlite 2/3 seed and cutting compost.
I'll be using biobizz rootjuice and bloom. Veg is so short I don't think that I'll need any veg nutes, would probably just cause trouble.
Lights are 7 x 55w CFL at 6500 k for veg, then I've got 2700 k ones for flowering.
They took 3 days to pop, well 3 of them did. The last one popped after 9 days. Weird. Though as I see it if I leave the three old ones till most of the trichs are amber I'll have 3 plants worth of mental on-your-ass kush and one plant of happy fun shit. 01.jpgHere they are at 15 days old.


Well-Known Member
Day 30. I've got the ScrOG screen in a couple of days ago, the ladies are already fighting through it! The plants look very healthy, I've been giving them 2ml/l Biobizz rootjuice and 2ml/l Biobizz bloom.
The lights are still 6500k, I'll swap 5 of the 7 bulbs for 2700k ones over the next few days.


Well-Known Member
No, they started branching when they were 3 nodes in (about 2" high!).
I squeezed (crushed a little) the main stems so that they'd bend easy under the scrog


Well-Known Member
Day 34 The plants are going crazy, still on the same levels of fertiliser but sucking up a lot of water.
I'm putting 5 litres of water into each 24 litre pot every other day.
They are filling the screen very quickly and flowering everywhere. I'm a bit concerned about the one that is a week younger as it is tiny in comparison, might end up dying under a sea of buds (not a bad way to go tho, eh?)
I'm impressed with the branching on these Hindu Kush, check the pick of one of the stalks



Well-Known Member
Damn! That's one fine lookin' lady in the stalk pic. For this reason I really want to grow LR #2 soon.


Active Member
nice setup. where did you get your reflector from. I am wanting to get a similar light setup but i cant find any reflectors for pl lamps


Looking good man. I am growing this right now. As we speak i see the seed pushing through the soil so she should be completely popped by tomorrow. Will be following. I am going to attempt SCROG with freebee DNA sour cream on my next grow, but am interested in how these autos will scrog. I have been strictly growing them lately, but am going to go back to photo period next time.


Well-Known Member
Pics from day 39. A real fat stalk. Not incredibly fat, but pretty damn fat for 39 days. Also a view up in to the grow space.
I'm actually on day 45 now, there are flowers everywhere and its all looking good!



Awesome! I love my KUSH's :) I currently have a Royal Kush plant going, check it out: https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-growing/376138-need-some-advice.html let me know what you think, it looks very similar to your plants when they were younger, im only on day 15 from sprout, im hoping its female, as the seeds i got were brought back from cannabis cup 2009 from one of my friends who went, he said pollinator seed bank was giving them away, hope they are feminized, but for free seeds, i can't complain :)... going to flip to 12/12 soon, or i will run out of space !

Very healthy looking plants, i hope you have a great harvest :)


Active Member
I am toying with scrogging my plants. I have been tying them down so far. I don't know. the more i read the forums on this site the more I want to try everything all at once. nice grow bro!