Lower Lumens/sq ft for smaller area??


Well-Known Member
I searched the board but I couldn't find the answer. Lets say x number of lumens per square foot is required for bud, would that number, x, decrease as the area of the grow room shrinks?

Example, a 10x10 grow room has an area of 100 and a perimeter of 40, a 5x5 grow room has an area of 25 and a perimeter 20. Wouldn't the the increased ratio of reflective wall space to the area of grow space reduce the lumens per square foot required in the 5x5 room?


Well-Known Member
Always go for the most light you can, doesn't matter if the room gets smaller, the more light the better the results.


Well-Known Member
U totally lost me as soon as I hit EXAMPLE. But anyway, to answer ur ? YES the amount of lumens and watts req'd could be cut in half from ur discription, which is basically one room half the size of another right? I believe the general 'rule' is 3000-5000 lumens per sq. foot, thus the light req'd for the square footage of the bigger room, should be roughly HALVE of that for a room HALF THAT SIZE. God that was confusing, think ima burn one.... yep


Well-Known Member
sorry, i'm not toked up so i'm not thinking clearly. Let me rephrase the question.

Is it conceivable that 125,000 lumens would be more effective in a 25 square foot room than 500,000 lumens in a 100 square foot room?

I realize that the lumens per square foot are exactly the same in both rooms.