Lower fan leaves turning yellow and brown! Please help


My plant is 2 1/2 weeks old is a Nirvana short rider auto flower. The lower fan leaves are starting to turn yellow and brown.

I am growing in Fox farms Ocean Forest with a 250W HPS about 18 inches above the plant (the light has an open hood just a cheap bat wing) with two small 26W CFL's with a 4 inch Value Line in-line fan for an exhaust. I have not been adding fertilizer until last night I added quarter strength. PH level is fine!
Attached Thumbnails


New Member
I cant see your pics for some reason. But mine are doing the same thing, well just one.


I have it in dwc, but I am using all fox farm nutes. I also have one in ffof but it is a runt.

I think ffof is pretty dam strong as it is. I mean you shouldnt have to add any nutes up untill your flowering stage. However thise varies from strain to strain. Whats the avg temp you running?


New Member
no i dont remember actually i say after ferts, but I have two that are doing great! and this one is not... which is strange, cause its the one that has the most roots.