Low PH on runoff

Some of my leaves , the tips are starting to brown and curl up. I thought it was a magnesium problem so is sprayed it with Epsom salt and the curling didn't stop. I checked the ph of my run off and it's was low , so I flushed it with ph'd water. After 6 gallons ( I have a 3 gallon pot ) the run off is still low. Don't really know what to do next . Any help?
Im growing in a 3 gallon pot using nothing but fox farm ocean forest soil
I fed it GH Flora series on Day 15 and Day 45 after it started browning the tips (Plant has only had nutes twice in its lifetime but both times were full strength. I was told to only give it nutes when needed so thats why its only been twice.
Rest of the time the plant gets destilled water (ph balanced at 6.5) or cal/mag water (phbalanced at 6.5 as well)
When I checked the runoff last night (before flush) it was pretty low , i would say a little under 5. After flushing with ph water (6 gallons phd at 6.5) the ph level of the run off went to about 5.5

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I'm curious about the response on this too. Sorry to hi jack your thread - I was just doing the same testing. 6.97 going in and 6.03 coming out. Wish I had an answer for you


Active Member
Get a soil probe and ignore the ph runoff imo. The runoff can be misleading because there are so many variables involved when it passes through the soil. I.e. did it disolve some of the lime in the soil. Did some of the nutrients stay behind. and on and on.