Loved One Using Meth??

Dank O Licious

Active Member
I made the point of visiting my daughter and in the course of conversations with her friends, hinted that if my kid was on the wizz, I'd hunt down and kill whoever was supplying her and whoever was encouraging her. I don't know what happened as a result of those yarns, but I do know that a lot of her friends 'moved on'.

So thats how my dad scared away my friends. huh, thanks gryph


Well-Known Member
It's men like you who kept me too scared to do anything but say hi to your daughters at prom 0.o


Well-Known Member
Can I put in on this?
I know it sounds hypocritical to say legalize weed and in the same breath, but not coke/meth etc. But, I think the big difference between the herb and the chems is that herb users or abusers don't have 500 dollar a day habits and don't rip off their family and friends and anyone else they can scam to support their habit. As someone said, it's like water and food, an absolute necessity.
Further, the majority of us smokers (and I'm talking long term heavy smokers) could stop today, go through a few weeks to a month of feeling a little disjointed (what, no bongs or spliffs this morning?-breaking a social habit), tense and otherwise just 'not right'. But we wouldn't end up a screaming mess or sick to the point of wanting to die.
The herb, for all intents and purposes is harmless in that respect. The chems take you over.

About 7 or 8 years ago, just after she moved out of home, my daughter started to change. She'd always been slightly hyper, but she would have days going at a million mile an hour, then days of deep depression. I broached the subject with my (now ex), but she wouldn't have a bar of it. 'Her daughter wouldn't do *speed*'. I made the point of visiting my daughter and in the course of conversations with her friends, hinted that if my kid was on the wizz, I'd hunt down and kill whoever was supplying her and whoever was encouraging her. I don't know what happened as a result of those yarns, but I do know that a lot of her friends 'moved on'.

Nowadays I know she isn't using. I have no idea for how long she did (she wasn't living at home), but I do have it on good authority that she was heading downhill at a rocketing pace. Something must have frightened shit out of her and she stopped the wizz and stuck with the weed. She used to be a big smoker too, but she's slowed down a lot. She's on anti-depressants (three years now), has had numerous minor breakdowns and has been suicidal in the past. She will be 25 this year and I don't see her enough to know how she is, but I'm hoping she'll be OK. I love her too much to have to see her killed off by chems.
I'm with you, I don't know about legalizing hard drugs. I mean...I've never considered marijuana a drug, probably because that's how I was raised. But I've done meth, like, was a regular user for a while, had to WORK to get off that shit....and it shouldn't even be COMPARED to weed.

And what you said to your daughters friends, I'm totally with that too! But I actually KNEW that the person was supplying my loved one. I couldn't stop my loved one from trying to get it, so I went to the source and told them to stop supplying. I said if he didn't stop I'd drop his names to the cops. I don't like being a snitch, but when it comes to my loved ones, I'd fucking KILL for them, so anything else is easy.

One of my brothers friends started getting mixed up with harder drugs, and we kept warning him and threatening dealers to get them not to sell to him. Finally, my brother and his friends all said that if they found out he tried to score, THEY'D kick HIS ass instead of the dealers. And they did a few times, until he straightened his shit out.


Well-Known Member
One of my brothers friends started getting mixed up with harder drugs, and we kept warning him and threatening dealers to get them not to sell to him. Finally, my brother and his friends all said that if they found out he tried to score, THEY'D kick HIS ass instead of the dealers. And they did a few times, until he straightened his shit out.
Good shit!

:mrgreen: When I was a teen (around sixteen), I was into mushies and trips as well as weed. Anyway, we went through a dry patch for a bit and a couple of my friends started sniffing glue and aerosol cans. Well, I went rank on 'em. We were like brothers and sisters, so when me and a couple of the 'family' told them it was a fucked up thing to do and threatened 'em with all sorts of violence and to disown them as family, they started to think about what they were doing and stopped. I *think* we did a good thing.


Well-Known Member
To me, when you love someone, you should love them enough to do what's right for them, even if they don't appreciate it at the time. My loved one didn't appreciate the fact that all his dealers would turn him away because they didn't want to deal with the shit storm I would bring down on them. He would get MAD at me for doing shit like that. And I hated having him mad at me, but I seriously would rather have him alive to be mad at me than dead from the shit he was doing.


Well-Known Member
I read the fist post, too high to go on, but damn dude i feel for you. My mom was on that shit, still is. It really reacted with her though, she currently is convinced that she created the sun, gave birth to it, this might make one or two of you laugh but, it cant do the same to me. She thinks of her flagulence as giving birth, to random planets and suns(when shes trippin) Though even when shes not shell tell you that she created the universe. She also thinks she can change the color of the sun! She just stares at it and tells you to watch, ive seen her stare at the sun for 5 min. straight. It weirds you out, i have feld my neckhairs prickle up with some of her stories.. Its creepy, like even though you know its bulshit these people are so convinced, it makes you wonder. The weird thing is shes been doing this for years, i really really really fear shes going to go blind. But theres no fucking way of talking someone like this out of there scitsofrenia (?) which is plain sad. Yeah man the addiction is like nothing else, she wouldnt quite to keep custidy of her own kids, GNARLY SHIT CAUTION!!!!!!!!!!111111 No going back............


Well-Known Member
so if ur child became a Meth head stripper we could bang her???

Drug test anyone you suspect. My gf would tell me she dident smoke even when she just took the test. Test said she did. She's the only one that has meth in her system even after a week. Lol


Well-Known Member
I started keeping a drug test in my bathroom that tests for EVERYTHING. If it ever comes up (which it hasn't in a long time now, since most everyone I care about quit that shit) I have that ready. Can't pass the test, get the fuck out. I don't want that shit around me.


Well-Known Member
I think anybody should be allowed to do whatever they want to their body:hump:
yep yep yep

if ya dont like it dont do it and to all the people saying give her a drug test or keep drug tests at your home for that reason you are out of your mind if you came to me demanding i piss in a cyup for you i would bitch slap you ive had enough dt's for the cops and i will never take one agaion unless i absolutely have to thinking you can demand someone to take a dt is stupid


Well-Known Member
I started keeping a drug test in my bathroom that tests for EVERYTHING. If it ever comes up (which it hasn't in a long time now, since most everyone I care about quit that shit) I have that ready. Can't pass the test, get the fuck out. I don't want that shit around me.
Got a link to that test? Might be handy to have around.


Well-Known Member
wish I could have done that. My gf still failed even thou she said its been at least a week or week and a half when it stays in ur system for like 3-4 days. I wasted many drug I even once thought maybe the test was wrong?? What a retard.

1.5 years later she's now been clean for over 6 months. But maybe thats cuz I don't have anymore test. LOL


Well-Known Member
the only advice i can offer is to continue to be there for your friend. urge the person to get treatment. offer to go to NA/AA meetings with them every week. tell them that if they feel like they want to use to call you first. tell them that you care and you dont like seeing them like this and you dont want to lose them and that these drugs are taking the person that they once were away from you and that hurts.

I guess from my own life experiences as a drug user and seeing addictions first hand from family and friends offering those options and reaching your hand out and telling them that you'll go to meetings with them and do whatever it takes to help them is really all you can do to help until they get to a point where they want to do it for themselves they probably wont take the help. but once they hit a bottom they'll know that the help is there.

and if not hopefully something happens to inadvertently help them. I mean i know it seems bad, but if they are arrested for these hard drugs sometimes its a real eye opener and inside jail they can get the help they need and come out hopefully to a strong caring support system like yourself and then stay on track. it doesnt always work, but if the person sees the light and truly wants to change then they will.


Well-Known Member
Didn't the OP already come back and say she was just stressing out and not on drugs? Read the whole post people.


Well-Known Member
Didn't the OP already come back and say she was just stressing out and not on drugs? Read the whole post people.
people dont read the whole post (like myself. i am guilty) because i dont really need to read everyone elses advice and input. just throw my own out there and be on my way.

not really a topic worth reading every other community members personal encounters on.