Losing Fan Leaves - Heat, Overfeeding,Underfeeding?

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
Hey guys, I've lost a lot of fan leaves on the lower 1/3 of my plants, up to about half way.

Background, we had 20 days in spring that hit 90 degrees. The first week of summer was brutal, 95-97 degrees. On top of that, I had to go out of town that week. I had a buddy water them once, but in 5 gallon containers when it's that hot they really need it every day. I watered on Tuesday when I left, he watered Friday, and I got back on Sunday. There were a lot of dead leaves then.

But, I'm also concerned that feeding is contributing to the problem. I started about every 7 days. But, I had some yellowing and bumped it to 5 and then 3days. The plants are pretty big.

Other than the fan leaves at the bottom, the tops look great for the most part.



Well-Known Member
I am also having the same issue,ill keep an eye on this thread hopefully some one can help us

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
One other piece of information that might be relavant.

One of my plants started to flower earlier. If you look at the plants, they look like a staircase. One is only about 4ft tall, and the tallest is close to 8ft tall. Obviously, there is a difference in the amount of sunlight that they are getting. At first I did rotate theire location, but I think that at some point even if I did that, the tallest 2 plants shaded the shortest two plants. I don't know, they are all supposed to be the same strain, but looking at the plants I have my doubts, but that is another topic if we discuss Nirvana.

But, anyway, since it was flowering I decided to switch it to blooming nutrients. I'm using something called super bloom. It's 12% nitrogen and 55% potassium. At first I was hauling two buckets, but when a second plant started to flower, I decided to just switch them all to save from hauling two buckets.

The tuesday that I went out of town, I did give them a good feeding. Maybe fertilizing, and then them not getting watered for a couple of days when it was so hot contributed. Or maybe 55% pottassium is too hot?

someone else

Active Member
Wow bro, nice grow! I can't offer any advice on you losing leaves, although maybe you're right in that they're not getting enough light.

I've got 5-gallon buckets going here in South Carolina, and yea man, we've had a tough year. I started growing straight in the ground with new soil, but our damn clay soil just doesn't drain, and my plants sat in a puddle of mud for a month.

Switched to buckets in late May, and that's really helped. Wish my plants were as tall as yours now!

Keep up the watering man (especially with the hot weather we're gonna have this week), and good luck; I'll be keeping an eye on your grow here.


Well-Known Member
Early in flower (first 3week?) the plant will use the nitrogen from the lower leafs to put up flowers.

Its very normal.

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
Wow bro, nice grow! I can't offer any advice on you losing leaves, although maybe you're right in that they're not getting enough light.

I've got 5-gallon buckets going here in South Carolina, and yea man, we've had a tough year. I started growing straight in the ground with new soil, but our damn clay soil just doesn't drain, and my plants sat in a puddle of mud for a month.

I've got a grow journal, and another thread on Newbie Central. The short one is only about 4ft, and it's flowering hard. The tallest one is around 8ft, and the other three between 6.5 to 7ft. They look like a staircase lined up.

Switched to buckets in late May, and that's really helped. Wish my plants were as tall as yours now!

Keep up the watering man (especially with the hot weather we're gonna have this week), and good luck; I'll be keeping an eye on your grow here.
I've got a grow journal and a thread in Newbie Central, this is my first real grow. The shortest plant is about 4ft tall and flowering hard. The tallest is about 8ft tall, and the others 6-7ft. They look like a staircase lined up.

Man, it's friggin hot. Supposed to hit 100 tomorrow. I'm getting a workout hauling water.


Well-Known Member
Try to get a closer up picture of the areas of interest. Can't really tell if it's nute burn or deficiency. It's true that the leaves get yellow during flower but it's not always the case