Looking to purchase new Ebb and Flo system, talk to me!


Active Member
Hello fellow herbivores! I need some righteous advice por favor.

Let me explain. I am currently using bubble buckets and have been for a long time. I grow beautiful big, fat plants out of 5gal buckets running two pumps, and 2600w Hps (2 x 1000w, 1 x 600w). I use the Lucas formula (Nova) and change res every 7 days religiously. I have been averaging 4-5oz dry a buckte and am currently running 12. I say this only to point out that the system I have works but it would so fucking sweet to work out of one res. Do anyone currently use this system?

Ebb & Gro - 12 Site System w/ 55 Gal Res?

I notice the buckets are only 2 gallon. I dont see this presenting any limitations in growth but would love to hear your cheers and gears about this system.

I know there are others on the market, so feel free to give me feedback any additional similar systems.

Thanks in advance. I really appreciate it my brothers and sisters. May all your harvests be fat mighty righteous ones! Peace. :leaf:

.......come with me to meet my friend the Rasta, dude always has the dankiest green pasta! Haha. Yeah! :weed:


Active Member
Thank you for the out pouring of responses! I would have settled for "it sucks dude". I am not some noob grower. I came to these forums looking for legit advise and instead I am passed over like every other forum noob.

Who do you have to blow to get some solid grower to grower advise around here?

Always happy :bigjoint: but disappointed by the complete lack of response. :-(


Well-Known Member
Well I will share the little bit that I have read about this system with you as it seems you have absolutley no one else chiming in.

I have looked into this particular system for good period of time. At some point in the furture I would like to purchase this system to keep mother plants in. I know that seems overkill for MoMs but my goal is to keep approx 12 diff strains available for cloning into a scrog/sog systems and 12 sites with one huge res seems like a lot less work then what I am doing now.

That being said I have no real personal expierence with this brand/system however, and dont take this for more then what its worth but, I know that I read about someone either on these forums or a different site that claimed to have this system and told a horror story of the controller failing and pumping all 55 gallons onto thier grow room floor. Quite a mess i'd imagine.

I decided at that point that if i were to buy this system I would make sure to get some sort of sensor that could detect water on the floor of a grow room and wire it into some failsafe to shut off that pump if it were to be overflowing all those buckets. I know those sensors exist cant remeber for sure where I saw them but Im sure with a little searching you could find them. (damn short term memory loss lol). They had 4 legs and would detect water via a short between the legs of the small sensor.

I know that aint much but ateleast its something. Hope that helps you in some way.


Active Member
Thanks my brother. It was very kind of you to respond. I do appreciate your advise. The possibly of the disaster you described is a serious concern. I did not even think about that when working out the pros and cons in my head.

Hopefully someone in the forums has had experience with this system and will comment on its reliability.

As far as using it for mothers, it may be overkill but it would be a sweet mommy setup.

Once again thanks for the input. Peace! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ebb flow is awesome

went into some dudes apt he had a 5-7 foot tall bitch vegging under a 600 (clone mother maybe?)

ebb flow made it grow that tall in no time he said.


Active Member
Thanks anonymuss! Good looking my brother. I assumed the production would be bitchin because of the results I am getting out of my 5 gal buckets. I am real concerned now about the possibility of 55 gallons of water falling through my ceiling! :shock:

One love! :peace:


I cannot comment too much on the system, but my hydro shop guy keeps plugging ebb and flow when we talk about systems, as i am about to redesign also. But i can comment on the water issues that will come from it. I would line the floor in panda plastic just to be sure to start, run it as far up the walls as possible and have as few seams as possible. Then you should just need to mop up most messes. Home Depot, Lowes wherever should have some sort of water sensor, fairly cheap, i use them a lot in sump pump installs, they are not hard to find.
That being said leaks is one of the reasons i will not go with this system, or this type. Their is also rdwc, which would be more like home for you i think, but still a lot of issues with leaks, everyone seems to be able to seal them up and no more leaks, but i know my luck. So based on that i have decided that if i was going to do ebb and flow i would use trays (2x4 in my case) instead of buckets. I do not know about your plant limitations, but Al B. Fuct has some really good threads on perpetual sog and pulling i think it was 2 lbs a month. Just another thing to look into, less chance of leaks, easier to maintain, in theory less initial capital investment, but that can obviously vary. If you want to grow trees however i do not know if the ebb and flow tables would be the best, but i have heard stories of basically your yield out of plants in the ebb tables.
I currently run a swc system that also works out very well, and what i believe i am going to go with, as it runs just about the same cost as the ebb and flow table set up, but i know it well. Good luck with whatever you go with.


Active Member
TruenoAE86coupe, I really appreciate you taking the time to give me such a detailed commentary. Based on what you have said and the previous point about the possibility of a 55 gallon flood I am going to stay away from this system.

My brother you saved me $500 and a lot of aggravation and for that I am seriously grateful. I would love to know about your system. If you have the time hit me up and let know more.

Once again, thanks. Peace and one mighty love! :peace: