Looking to Become a Caregiver! Any Ideas?

make sure you know how to grow clean good cannabis before you take any patients. Have your grow system down to a "T" where you know everything about it. And dont take on patients only to grow more marijuana to sell, thats not what being a caregiver is about.


Active Member
Have you guys read the law. It is very restrictive. Hopefully the DHSS will add more ailments to the list over time but hey it's a start. OH and Gov. Christie is putting a cap on the THC levels @ 10%.......Hardly OK for medicinal use. You cannot grow marijuana in this state either. Basically we ARE NOT a MM state.


i had not heard about the THC cap. So what happens if the plant registers higher than 10%? Chop and BURN? what kind of system is this?


Haha, I think that won't happen while Christie is governor!
Agree, It most certainly will not. Though our state would seriously benefit from private care givers and private coop services, our states legislation has decided to provide people with a legal obsticle course to get there meds. However, If you want some highly addictive oxycoton just pop on down to your local pharmacy...sickening