looking for tips on indoor grow during the winter

There 6 plants under a 400 wt hps there about 2 months old and they seem there not getting bigger i had them under 18/6 but i switched it to 24 in hope for faster grow but nothing the lights placed about 18in above the top of the plants with a little desk fan for ventilation it stays pretty warm in the closet but at night there it cools down with the temperature they seem like there just growing leafs and not height please any tips would help..Thank you ..and PLEASE


Active Member
Take a couple pics of the plants and room. Let's see what you got. Also 24 hours isn't really going to help. Maybe 20 and 4.


Well-Known Member
How can i show you a pic Of the set upwith out showing everyone im new to this
Everyone has to start somewhere, I am on my 3rd week of my very first grow.

Pride goes before a fall m8.

Besides, I am a total newb and proud of it, so lets see some pics...lol

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
At night turn you're room heater on and close the windows, that is what I am doing and it seems to be fine for me (For a nice dark period that doesn't get too cold)


Well-Known Member
How can i show you a pic Of the set upwith out showing everyone im new to this
You can post right to the thread or private on your profile.

I think 18" is too close for HPS, I keep mine more than 2ft above my plants. The stunted growth might be due to the fact that your plants are getting too much direct light to grow taller. Are they getting bushy at all?

I would also suggest a 18-6 light schedule, plants need darkness too.
Im running a 1000w HPS in my closet right now, I have my light set to turn on at 4pm until 10am.
Having the light on at night will keep it cooler in the day and warmer at night, plus i havent had to turn on my heat so far this winter. :mrgreen:
My plants almost 2 months and there not gaining height just a bunch of little leaves and they don't look like there doing to good i don't know what im doing wronge does anyone have a email address i can send pics to for advicei don't know of if its to hot or the lights to close or its not warm enough please help


Well-Known Member
They only look about 4 inches tall, you said they were 2months old?
I usually get the same growth you have within 1-2weeks on planting.

How often do you water? and what soil are you using?

It looks as though your plants are very dry and are having alot of trouble expanding roots into your growth medium.
Ide imagine that your soil has too much matter in it, sticks, bark, rock, and the roots arent able to grow around such rough material.
some is good, but you want some nice soft rich soil to put those ladies into.
I like the looks of your setup, ide raise the light about 6 inches, water everyday.
If they dont start growing again you might have to start over with a lighter soil.

I use a mix of Happy Frog organic soil/nutes and coco fibers.
Coco is a form of hydro and is light and airy, water passes through it well and roots grow in it like crazy.
69% happy frog soil 30% coco fibers 1% organic nutrients.

I hope this helps, keep it irie
Ya i had the light alt lower than what its at in the picture. and i think it was way to strong for them and where important at its really cold outside and i left the light off for a full day and i think that stunted the growth that light keeps my closet hot and i think it might be too hot for my plants but i don't know and i have them in miracle grow putting soil nothing was added to the soil. i thought i was over watering them at first and that's why the leaves were turning yellow so i just water thonce every four days what do you think i should do continue this grow or start over please let me know


Well-Known Member
Get a thermometer, a timer and another fan, start running your light at night if its too cold. Water once a day, all basic stuff.
I honestly think that irreparable damage has been done to your grow, your plants look as though your keeping them on sife support. I would germinate another batch of seeds an try again, with tweaks to your grow room and supplies.