Looking for opinions/tips on setup!

I updated the original post with a parts list (not counting consumables for the build) and recalculated: $879.00 USD.

I'm wondering if this should be moved to the stealth grow forum, since it technically isn't a "grow room", but rather a grow cabinet. Lack of foresight/attention on my part.
Here's the math I'm using to find my necessary fan size:
39" x 23" x 92" (in reality, its a bit less due to some airspace being consumed by equipment. Some of that equipment gives off heat, so I'll ignore its space use and overcompensate)
Size in cubic feet - W x D x H: 3.25' x 1.92' x 7.67' = 47.86 cubic feet
Size x 3 to compensate for filter air flow restriction: 143.58 minimum cfm requirement
Adjust for 80% real world efficiency of inline fan - min. CFM @ 80% total: (143.58 / 8 ) x 10 = 179.48 total minimum CFM

So my minimum fan CFM should be at least total minimum CFM x 2, so that I can adjust up if need be. That means that my minimum fan capability should be 358.96. Choosing the Vortex inline 6" 449cfm fan should give me enough overhead to provide enough negative pressure to ensure fresh air uptake at a rate of at minimum 1 full air exchange per minute at 50% speed.


Well-Known Member
My cabinet alone (brand new) is $219, so I don't doubt this one bit... Even with an inexpensive grow tent. I think it may be time I added my parts list, so that everyone can understand where that money is going. I'll have to recalculate, since I think I may have broken the $800 mark with a few of the upgrades (97 cfm fan -> 450 cfm vortex, open tube light -> air cooled light, etc), but I'm still thinking its quite reasonable for the quality I'll get out of it.