Looking for not-for-profit Cannabis research


Well-Known Member
If you google “cannabis research Canada” all you get are a bunch of people trying to sell you something. Are there many not-for-profit Cannabis research organizations out there?

Years ago I heard of the CCIC (Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids), but have no clue about their practices today.


Any links or information would be appreciated thank you.

Miss MJ

Active Member
The CCIC has many different research projects associated with it and they are all investigated to ensure they are accredited and such the CCIC is a great place for medical professionals to get information or for any persons looking for accredited scholarly information.
HOWEVER... CCIC is run by Dr. Mark Ware (amazaing, intelligent advocate in the Canadian cannabis sector) he runs the provincial cannabis registry in Quebec. If you want to use cannabis in Quebec you must agree to sign up for their cannabis study to monitor your progress etc. Its the largest clinical patient study being conducted in the world with cannabis right now.

My feelings on this are both negative and positive. I love the idea however I have some ethical issues with it.. just my two cents


Well-Known Member
I was not impressed with Dr. Mark Ware when I met him a few years ago, I tried to have a intellectual talk with him and he brushed me off almost for because I do not look like the average person in the cannabis world.


Well-Known Member
A few people I have met that are cool off the top of my head:
The Stanley Brothers
John Fowler (Supreme, LP)
Jack Herer (well we talked via email before he passed away, he was cool he wanted to meet me)
Michelle Rainey (she was super cool and friendly)
Bruce Linton (we spoke on the phone back when chuck was CEO)
Franco from GH (we smoked on a few occasions and he always remembers me and always invites me to smoke with him)
John Conroy (met him twice, he was very friendly and even stopped and gave me 5 min of his time and some quick advice for free, he was cool.

People that are not so cool:
Dr mark
Mark wayne(bedrocan)
george Smitherman
kyle kushman
I forget his name but the dude who owns "peace naturals"
Mark Klokeid
Sam Mellace


Well-Known Member
A few people I have met that are cool off the top of my head:
The Stanley Brothers
John Fowler (Supreme, LP)
Jack Herer (well we talked via email before he passed away, he was cool he wanted to meet me)
Michelle Rainey (she was super cool and friendly)
Bruce Linton (we spoke on the phone back when chuck was CEO)
Franco from GH (we smoked on a few occasions and he always remembers me and always invites me to smoke with him)
John Conroy (met him twice, he was very friendly and even stopped and gave me 5 min of his time and some quick advice for free, he was cool.

People that are not so cool:
Dr mark
Mark wayne(bedrocan)
george Smitherman
kyle kushman
I forget his name but the dude who owns "peace naturals"
Mark Klokeid
Sam Mellace

I tend to mostly agree with this list.


Well-Known Member
A few people I have met that are cool off the top of my head:
The Stanley Brothers
John Fowler (Supreme, LP)
Jack Herer (well we talked via email before he passed away, he was cool he wanted to meet me)
Michelle Rainey (she was super cool and friendly)
Bruce Linton (we spoke on the phone back when chuck was CEO)
Franco from GH (we smoked on a few occasions and he always remembers me and always invites me to smoke with him)
John Conroy (met him twice, he was very friendly and even stopped and gave me 5 min of his time and some quick advice for free, he was cool.

People that are not so cool:
Dr mark
Mark wayne(bedrocan)
george Smitherman
kyle kushman
I forget his name but the dude who owns "peace naturals"
Mark Klokeid
Sam Mellace
Mark Gobuty


Well-Known Member
i know of a study looking into why certain strains work to kill tumors in people with on type of cancer but not in another person with the same cancer where anther strain may work better for them....

just shows you how we are all different and need different things to help us.

this has been an on gong study here in cannada that no one knows about for over 15 years....

theres no money in trying to patent a plant...... lol... mainly because its not possible
but dont try and tell the USA that they cant....they did with THC... they sure as hell didn't invent what mother nature did...
I think that's what it is like when you try a strain you really enjoy. Your body is telling you that strain, that correct cultivation and curing of cannabinoids is what your body needs. Anyone that has eaten a fruit and felt the replenishing of nutrients knows what I am talking about.


Well-Known Member
Would you mind expanding on that? Peace Naturals is generally very quiet compared to the other LP's, I had thought they were one of the good / less bad ones.
He was a mouthpiece when he first got the golden ticket. Having said that, he has been pretty quiet of late.