Looking for Ideas for a Cabinet


the reason its not very stealth. a stealth grow is the concept of having a grow where you wouldn't expect to find one making it harder to find.i see a lot of cabinets labeled as stealth but to me they are just grow cabinets.

false panels,hidden vents,silent, scentless running these are the things that make up a stealth box. say some1 broke into Ur house when on holiday, or some family came over think where are the least likely places some1 is going to stumble upon Ur grow.
1 of the best stealth rooms iv seen was my mate had a cupboard under his stairs (very large) removed door frame so the wall was flush and built a false inbuilt book and dvd rack.it opened by removing a book, putting Ur hand behind books and pushing button (attached to latch).under the stairs had been done out proper and he had it cool with 2 400w hps running to look at it you would think there was no cupboard just shelving built in to the wall.

viva la bubbloution


Well-Known Member
^true, but not everyone is looking for grow boxes when they come into your house.

And, I can not cut into the walls, so that is out of the Question, its a great idea tho
hit up your local goodwill or st. vinny's for some cheap cabinets. especially great in college towns, i found a great TV cabinet that i like cuz its a good bit deeper than most dressers


Well-Known Member
There's a website called Freecycle.org. Dedicated to giving stuff away for free.

You have to become a member (free) then just go to the freecycle location nearest to where you live and browse.

I've never used it.