Looking for alternatives to dead cow parts


RIU Bulldog
My current grow is doing fine, but truth is I made a hude mistake mixing my soil and now I just can't wait for the whole thing to be over....*sigh.
Anyways, I want not to worry about this problem next time so I'm doing a better job of getting the right products to mix with. I've already settled on ProMix HP as the base for my mix. Here's what I had originally:

ProMix HP
Jersey Greensand - Slow release K and trace elements; some silicon
Blood Meal - Quick N
Bone Meal
- P
Kelp Meal - vitamins and minerals
Powdered lime - pH buffering
Mushroom Compost - micronutes and trace elements
Diatomaceous Earth - bug control
Roots Organic OregonISM

But after thinking about, I don't like the idea of dried blood and ground up cow bones in my soil. Especially considering all the bullshit (no pun intended) going on with mad cow and e-coli, not to mention that it attracts buggies. So I thought of a new mix with substitutions for the cow parts.

ProMix HP
Jersey Greensand - Slow release K and trace elements; some silicon
Rock Phosphate - vegan alternative to bone meal 3% available P, 24% slow release P, and 30% calcium
Kelp Meal
Hydrated Lime
Mushroom Compost

My problem is that with the new perimeters, I can't find an acceptable high Nitrogen source. Normally I would use bat guano, but after doing a little reading I've come to the conclusion that guano is not good for indoor gardening ( I don't wanna debate it, I'm not using bat guano).

There's cottonseed meal that has an NPK value of 6-2-1, but because of the pesticides used in the cotton industry, OMRI approval is limited. I'm not certified organic but I agree with like 90% of their philosophy so I try to be as close to organic and natural as possible. Plus I don't use commercial pesticides anyways, all my pesticides have to be organic.

Alfalfa meal is another good alternative but the NPK levels are low; 2-0-2.

My last resort is Fish Meal with a NPK of 10-5-0, but supposedly it stinks bad. Not good for an indoor garden...Has anyone used fish meal tell me about the smell, because right now it seems like the best choice.



Well-Known Member
Don't fear, I actually bought the MG brand Blood and Bone meal this year, and was surprised and delighted to see they aren't sourced from cow parts...I think they make it from pigs, now.


Active Member
I'm not looking to debate about it with you, and I don't know what reasons you have nor will I try to speculate, but why are you willing to use fish meal but not guano? Guano doesn't smell in the least, nor is it messy. It's also an excellent fertilizer in general if you incorporate several kinds. I use roots organics products and sometimes loose guano when I feel like it, and I have never had problems of any kind. Again, I'm not trying to debate with you. I just can't think of any reason why not to use guano unless you were worried about smell or the use of animal products, and if that were the case fish meal would be worse than guano on both accounts. it smells so little i can stick my nose in the bottle of all their guano products, and it smells like dirt, like if you were in a freshly tilled field (not mud with bacteria just dirt).

What I'm trying to say is you are way over limiting yourself in refusing to use guano on top of bone meal and blood meal. You could try chicken or rabbit manure if you can find it, or you could even use your own piss to some extent.

Why is it that you are so against guano?


Well-Known Member
dude i have to straighten one thing out for you. seriously.
or·gan·icadjective /ôrˈganik/ 

Of, relating to, or derived from living matter
  • - organic soils
a dead cow IS organic. so is bat guano, it just depends on hwo its harvested and how its cooked.

and i allready have the company your looking for, they have everythign for growing and its harvest 100% animal friendly. victoria animal rights activists are just as hardcore as the cali extremists, there the ones that make this...


RIU Bulldog
I'm not certified organic but I agree with like 90% of their philosophy so I try to be as close to organic and natural as possible.
dude i have to straighten one thing out for you. seriously.
a dead cow IS organic. so is bat guano, it just depends on hwo its harvested and how its cooked.

and i allready have the company your looking for, they have everythign for growing and its harvest 100% animal friendly. victoria animal rights activists are just as hardcore as the cali extremists, there the ones that make this...
Thanks for the link I like the EWC they have. Nice.
As for the organics, I'm aware. It's not about being organic or not, I just don't wanna use it mainly because of potential pest issues, but more cause it doesn't feel right to me. I'm not vegan or a hippie. I eat steak 5 days a week if I could. A cow to me is nothing more than a big future hamburger. I just don't want it in my soil.
As for the guano thing, I guess I can't just say that I don't wanna use guano and expect it to be left at that lol.
It's just hard to know how much to add because of how strong it is. Guano makes soil hot. I'm gonna use guano if the plant needs it but I'll use it as a tea.


Active Member
As for the guano thing, I guess I can't just say that I don't wanna use guano and expect it to be left at that lol.
It's just hard to know how much to add because of how strong it is. Guano makes soil hot. I'm gonna use guano if the plant needs it but I'll use it as a tea.
hope i didn't offend. i was just thinking either you know something i don't know or i know something you don't know, and wanted to know what it was. you are certainly right, i dont mix it into my soil either.


Well-Known Member
hahaha makes sence..... well i'll start from the top of the list of possible ALT's that i know for you....

Corn gluten meal
Soybean Meal
Fish POWDER (not emulsion, powder is heated ((200~C)) then crushed...)
^ these all have a 1-4 month release time, through making tea you can concentrate the nutes over around 5~ days tho.

high N liquid kelp would be your best bet. if you can find kelp with a 10/X/X rating you should be good to go.
Cottonseed meal is a high N fert that keeps it vegan.

Alfalfa meal has triacontinol. Good stuff.

Kelp helps with trace minerals and moderate to minimal NPK.


RIU Bulldog
hope i didn't offend. i was just thinking either you know something i don't know or i know something you don't know, and wanted to know what it was. you are certainly right, i dont mix it into my soil either.
You didn't man it's all good. Heres a site that better articualtes my feelings.

Can I add guano to my potting soil?

NO! Guano is extremely potent and easily burns plants. You should avoid using guano for any indoor cultivation. It can only be used in small amounts for greenhouse or outdoor gardening in the ground and in large containers. Once you mix guano into the soil you can't remove it! For outdoor use it is also best to only apply small amounts onto the top layer of the soil.


hahaha makes sence..... well i'll start from the top of the list of possible ALT's that i know for you....

Corn gluten meal
Soybean Meal
Fish POWDER (not emulsion, powder is heated ((200~C)) then crushed...)
^ these all have a 1-4 month release time, through making tea you can concentrate the nutes over around 5~ days tho.

high N liquid kelp would be your best bet. if you can find kelp with a 10/X/X rating you should be good to go.
Yeah that high N kelp meal sounds good. I'm gonna look for that. Thanks for the help.