Looking for advise on organics


I have maybe 6 grows under my belt. So fairly new at this and I usually get around just listening to you guys, but this time I need help. I usually use synthetic nutes but I'm so tired of everything tasting the same so I just decided to switch to organics to see of this does the trick. I bought some biothrive grow and flower from G.O. Some roots organic trinity, some 100% natural organic bat guano fertilizer, Azos, and great white, humboldt county Honey. My problem is I'm not sure how to use these correctly. Im growing indoors and using coco coir and hydroton rocks 50/50. I appreciate any help thanks.


Well-Known Member
ever try a google search people dont get paid to answer questions nor do we live on here btw site has been slow for the past week


I trust the folks on here better than google search, and I was just getting worried that maybe i had done something wrong. im just looking for answers and i can usually search here


Well-Known Member
You wanna figure out what products contain what. I guess you have got 1x veg nute 1x bloom bute as a base right? If any of the other are also jus plain veg or bloom nutes then dont use them. If one of the otehr products is a bloom enhancer then use that. If you wanna use cal/mag, dont, use calcific or dolomite lime in your soil mix. Also youll need some root bacteria like humboldt myco madness or white widow. The molasses are fine. Just dont overcomlicate things, use only a few products, one for each job, and you will do fine. I have no idea how much of those products u should use but its normally on the bottle. Just start 1/4 strength and work up to full strength week by week. Keep it simple and you will be able to correct problems faster. Get some smart pots or air pots too. Dont use pre-fertilised soil with these products. either use organic pre-fertilised soil and ONLY water it, or use a light soil like biobizz lightmix so you can add your products (just making sure u know) GL :leaf:


iam usng biothrive grow and flower and the bottle says use 2-4 teaspoons per gallon.my question is that i also have 100%bat guano, great white, and azos,along with some root organics Trinity, i just want to make sure that i use these together in combination for a successful grow.I have been taking it easy on the nutes half of what it calls for so far ok, but i'm not flowering yet. i would also like to know how or what to use along with biothrive flower. any help is really appreciate it.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
yeah just dont use 2 things that are the same coz its a waste of money and your plants will get burned. If your using 100% bat guano in ur soil then why use synthetics too?


Thanks guys, I guess i'm just nervous about changing nutes, and i wanted to get some info. I have used like h&g and SBA,SBB,some fox farms stuff, which i really like grow-big for veg.When the organic stuff comes inn i get cautious, maybe cause i don't know much, but thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Yeah me too, im switchin to full veg and bloom organics feed for my next grow (my current one has just been teetering on organics by using baby bio veg feed and soil bacteria and organic mollases) ive already ran out of baby bio so i got some humbolt 'grow natural' and im pickin up their bloom natural or whatever its called next week. BUT im gonna keep my PK13/14, which is a bloom enhancer. I will only be using it at 1ml/gal for about 4 weeks of flower, as a supplement to the organic bloom nutes il be using. So thats good enough for me :P


That is axactly where Iam at LOWBLOWER! I did a few runs using sinthetics and i must say the results where usually good as far as yield is concerened. My problem is that i hate when bud all starts tasting the same. I want to taste skunk if i'm smoking skunk. This is what helped me make the decision to change to these organic nutes. Thanks for all of your help.


Well-Known Member
ever try a google search people dont get paid to answer questions nor do we live on here btw site has been slow for the past week
If you're so bothered about people wasting your time why did you waste everybody's time by posting that!

Haters! :wall:


Well-Known Member
I have maybe 6 grows under my belt. So fairly new at this and I usually get around just listening to you guys, but this time I need help. I usually use synthetic nutes but I'm so tired of everything tasting the same so I just decided to switch to organics to see of this does the trick. I bought some biothrive grow and flower from G.O. Some roots organic trinity, some 100% natural organic bat guano fertilizer, Azos, and great white, humboldt county Honey. My problem is I'm not sure how to use these correctly. Im growing indoors and using coco coir and hydroton rocks 50/50. I appreciate any help thanks.
Not got any experience with those myself. I applaud your decision though - I reckon you will end with far more tasty plants with more diverse flavours for sure. Hope it goes well for you! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I don't know about any of you but I tried the G.O. go box and I really didn't care for it. Made my plants taste funny even though it was organic. I'm not sure but I did 2 complete runs with it and decided to go with something else.

In no way am I knocking it because I'm sure some people love it but its just not for me.

I recently made the switch over to this and I am loving it so far and are running their whole organic lineup.
