Looking for a place to read the cannabis laws


Well-Known Member
Google gives me lots of lawyer references and forum posts.

Does anyone have a solid link to rules on growing legally.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
Well what I understand so far

Home grows:
Must be 1000ft or more from a public school.
Limit to 3 flowering plants and three non flowering plants per adult in house (c springs)
Must be behind locked door and secured from minors.
No selling it but you can gift up to an ounce per adult
Outdoor grows must also be lockable

Your HOA can restrict it......but I'm not clear on this and I'd put money that it's only being done by very high class neighborhoods.

What else is there? I think my neighbors are all gonna get a big xmas present this year. With in the limits of the law of course. Lol


Well-Known Member
Well what I understand so far

Home grows:
Must be 1000ft or more from a public school.
Limit to 3 flowering plants and three non flowering plants per adult in house (c springs)
Must be behind locked door and secured from minors.
No selling it but you can gift up to an ounce per adult
Outdoor grows must also be lockable

Your HOA can restrict it......but I'm not clear on this and I'd put money that it's only being done by very high class neighborhoods.

What else is there? I think my neighbors are all gonna get a big xmas present this year. With in the limits of the law of course. Lol
If your neighbores complain you could get in trouble. Get a charcoal air filter .


Well-Known Member
Don't let anyone know you are growing. Do Not be a target. Keep a very low local profile. It's legal, not necessarily liked.