looking for a good BHO guide with pictures


Well-Known Member
Hey guys im looking for a good BHO guide with lots of step by step pictures. I read one and they wanted me to get copper tube and weld a cap to the end which i cant do cause i dont know how to weld and i doubt i have the tools for welding and i dont think i should be welding either. so im looking for a good BHO guide with pictures. I heard BHO hash is the best so i really wanna make some.


Well-Known Member
use a stainless steel turkey baister, i have one but i havent made oil with it. but you take the plunger end off and screw on the inject tip and you put a screen over the large end where the plunger is and u fill the baister with trim and then u inject butaine into the injecter tip of the baister.

make sure to use oven mits as your hands will freeze to the baister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there are other steps but from what i read this is how u make it