Look up at the sky...Is that a cloud? Is that a contrail?


Well-Known Member
The best argument I can form is that, if nothing else, the trails are visually unpleasing. I can't prove what, who, or why, but I can prove that the trails are blocking out some of the sunshine meant for me. I am thinking that a class action lawsuit based on this argument might get the ball rolling. Now we just need a willing attorney :)


Well-Known Member
Doc, have you ever been able to zoom in close enough to see which planes make these trails? I wish I had a decent camera with a great zoom and time lapse.
The best argument I can form is that, if nothing else, the trails are visually unpleasing. I can't prove what, who, or why, but I can prove that the trails are blocking out some of the sunshine meant for me. I am thinking that a class action lawsuit based on this argument might get the ball rolling. Now we just need a willing attorney :)
The camera is pretty outdated and movie maker makes the quality worse.
Yes, we need to take appropriate action and a class action lawsuit is just that. Came across a "5 Step Plan" and it also suggests filing public notifications of non-consent. I'm not too hip on all the necessary legal work that needs to be done, but willing to learn.
I observe it often, taking place right over my head, it really upsets me and I really want to get involved. I will be going to a meeting on Tuesday to perhaps join an environmental group. I would really like to test the soil and rain water around my area and I'm hoping they will be able to arrange that. Hopefully I will learn more so we can have everybody aware, involved and ready to take action.

It might seem like a difficult task, but we must all do our part if we want things to change for the better. If you want to be involved there is plenty of areas we can all pitch in. Below are two good links with a lot of information.

The 5 Step Plan

How To Get Involved
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An attorney named Joseph H. Marman, already took legal action against Shasta County Air Quality Management District. By the looks of it it started 2011 and I have not been able to find any updates on the case. Almost want to call his office see if he can provide me with any info.
May 13, 2014
The world has “500 days to avoid climate chaos,” French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said alongside Secretary of State John Kerry at the State Department on Tuesday.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said:

“And very important issues, issue of climate change, climate chaos,” the foreign minister said. “And we have – as I said, we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos, and I know that President Obama and John Kerry himself are committed on this subject and I’m sure that with them, with a lot of other friends, we shall be able to reach success on this very important matter.”

Video link...
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Well-Known Member
What could they possibly do in 500 days? Not much, I suspect.. I'm not sold on climate change, but I'll say this.. "It sure is freaking hot here right now".. :) I've never seen it 100 degrees at the beach here in SoCal. I'm ready to call in a chemtrail team :)


Well-Known Member
I don't see why it seems so ridiculous to people that some organization may be spraying the skies to assist with what has been called global warming. Whether it's happening or not I don't think a person deserves the "tinfoil hat" comment if they speculate that there may already be geoengineering efforts happening.

1) Man has been using planes to disperse chemicals for a very long time whether to induce precipitation, spray for mosquitoes or control fires.
2) If people in world government truly believe we are in the midst of a climate crisis why wouldn't they try to do something about it?
3) Governments do lots of things without disclosing them to the citizenry.
4) There are many patents viewable online which outline the exact procedures people report seeing in the skies and in soil samples.
5) There is an official pentagon report named "Owning the weather by 2025"..
6) Weather can either be an incredible weapon or a great asset to farming and lifestyle
7) China and Russia reportedly frequently control weather to alter conditions in their largest cities.. Russia tries to keep too much snow from falling in Moscow because it slows down government.

So which part of the chemtrail idea is so far fetched? To me, it doesn't take much of a stretch of the imagination to consider the possibility. Whether it's really occurring or not I can't say for sure. Here is a pic of a tanker spraying chemicals to control a fire. That's not absurd is it?
What could they possibly do in 500 days? Not much, I suspect.. I'm not sold on climate change, but I'll say this.. "It sure is freaking hot here right now".. :) I've never seen it 100 degrees at the beach here in SoCal. I'm ready to call in a chemtrail team :)
Yeah, you should get a group together. The meeting I went to on Tuesday focuses on fracking. The attendees were all over 40 years of age, wise individuals. They are achieving local media attention and even trying to make it into the county ballot. Fracking is also an important issue but I want to focus on geoengineering since I see it very often. I will still attend as I want to learn more and network.

Not to sure what he meant by "“500 days to avoid climate chaos,”.
But what I do know is that we are breaking records and about 9 fires and its not even summer yet.
The top agricultural states are facing increase in temperatures and lack in rain.
Again, "WeatherWar101" (youtube channel) provides radar images that indicates the manufacturing of these recent tornadoes in the south and midwest.

It is somewhat amazing that people believe theories that have never been proven, but something that is happening in their time and that indeed is fact, they do not believe despite the large amounts of evidence.