Long arm of the Paparazzi


Well-Known Member
I live in Hollywood. Granted, where in Hollywood I live, there isn't a lot of celebs at the Rite Aid buying toothpaste or hanging out at Borders, but I do occasionally see a famous person. Still, living in the shadow of the Great Sign reminds one that they are living in the land of American royalty. We see our actors and musicians as heroes, and great beings that walk among us.
In reality, these folks we idolize are just people, and usually, to get to the point where your personal business becomes important to the mass populace, you often end up a pretty screwed up person. One must be singularly driven to succeed in such an intensely competitive field.

It is difficult to make it, but once you do, you gain this level of near sainthood in the eyes of the people. You now have the lawyers, the resources, and the public opinion to pretty much get away with anything. Michael Jackson's dealing with young children, Rush Limbaugh's addiction to Oxycontin, Mel Gibson's drunk driving, I mean the list goes on about Celebrity indiscretions, almost as if these beings were mere mortals like us.

This is why I am glad the Paparazzi exist. The police might catch a celeb out and about, but a paparazzi will sit and watch. They keep these Higher Beings in check. Do you think I feel bad that Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton feel embarrassed and angry that someone took a picture of them in public which made it seem they were less than they profess? No. See, these people make millions on their Image, it is their highest commodity. It ain't my fault that they weren't protecting it. If you sell a product, that product must remain what it is, or else no one will buy it. This isn't a moral judgment; it's just common sense.
Now, I understand that a performer's job is hard: long hours having to perform the same lines or songs while maintaining the energy levels required; it isn't easy and these people deserve to celebrate after a long project. However, if I go out and make an ass out of myself and cause problems or whatever, no matter how justified my celebration, the cops are gonna stop me. That's what keeps me in check. The Paparazzi do this for people above the law. They do this to keep celebrities honest. They are what keeps the powerful on an equal playing field.

I dunno. The argument for the Paparazzi is a difficult one to defend, but really, they do stand as a barrier against famous people doing whatever the hell they want. To be completely honest, I really don't care at all about Britney's kids or who is secretly gay. I don't agree that it is alright for a Paparazzi to invade a person's property, or put people in danger to get a good picture. It is a pointless but profitable game, and it is a natural outcome of the Entertainment industry that sustains the Celebrity ideal that makes these folks rich. It is the all important dark side of fame, and I for one think celebrities should shut up and deal with it. Or better yet, make friends with the photographers, embrace the camera.

Or, failing all that, how about trying to maintain some fucking dignity and self-control in public, and perhaps the tabloid dogs would simply leave you alone.