Loading Issues


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU:
Today I'm having major issues loading some pages on RIU... is there something going on? It took FOREVER to load pcs for my journal... and now can't even view my thread... and got a PM from a friend who can't view it either nor her friend...

Some pages/threads I can view just find, then other take forever to load if they view at all..

if anything a FYI



Well-Known Member
Today I'm having TERRIBLE problems getting a response from the server specifically when: I'm quoting someone and editing a post. It's seriously hanging up, and the pages are taking a hell of a long time to load.


Well-Known Member
New post, last read thread (unless you go page by page manually) submit reply..jumping from One area to other..would someone have the manners to at least inform us what the issues are, and possible repair time.. this has been happening for days..and like today, works, then doesn't then does...etc..
I've noticed our opinions and problems are worth shit... but for the ones that spend hours here I don't think a little feedback is asking too much.... Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just me or my threads...

Seems to be working fine for me the past couple of days.


Well-Known Member
its the holidays, give them a little slack. They always get things fixed eventually.
Its not that we don't understand there are and will be problems..but at most sites w/out exception you'll get a "site may/or is experiencing problems notice, but this has being going on for days... don't try to sell us a bill of goods that that is impossible to do here... good god if the natives act up an announcement/warning is posted within the day..if not sooner.. Not trying to be an ass here..just like to know if its my end or yours..I don't think its too much to ask..we're not expecting individual sympathy PM's..maybe a post in support section..
Damn it we're a loyal bunch that are trying to maintain ongoing conversations with our RIU friends.... Thanks

*waiting over here for nasty PM... and holiday... :p


Well-Known Member
The problem is when the administrator can not see the problem we can not diagnose the problem, trying the best we can here with the information I am given give me specific pages that load slow etc and I can take a look at them


stays relevant.
Honestly things are working fine for me right now, but was having trouble when PMing fdd earlier.