liver problems caused by smoking pot?


Well-Known Member
tckfui, obviously you havent disclosed the "badness" with us. Were are anonomous forum users. Feel free to share. We dont know you from Adam. If you dont trust us. How can you ever trust your doc? One more time! Get tested for Hepatits A,B, and C.
I cant say that I really know what you mean by disclosed the badness with us ..
I dont know, I kind of just forgot about it I guess :P
I have to go back to the doctor soon though... the funny thing is I live leteraly 100 feet from the doctors office... and I still havnt gone back :P

I dont know, I'm scared... but I'm a strong believer that ignorance is bliss :mrgreen:

I'm not 100% on this but I believe he tested me for all the hepatites'... I think.
but my papers say I also have a low amount of bacteria in my urine :? and... slightly high colesteral... I think there was somthing else I dont know ... you can see my initial worry has worn off... perhaps too much :?