Little moles on my stalk?

Fuck Snails

Active Member
So this one plant i own has these little larvae-looking "moles" on it....looks like a skin tag on a human but its on my medicine and plants dont get blemishes..soo...what is this and how do i get rid of it? This plant also is infested with ants in the soil but they dont bother me much...i use bioneem and its seeming to slow them down gradually like its supposed to.

but as for these




Well-Known Member
im not sure what these are but had em outside on a flower. i sprayed with bout 50% isopropyl alcohol and water. repeat spray 3 days apart for total of 3 times. the alcohol evaporates before it hurts plant....peace

Fuck Snails

Active Member
  • LOL I just have to add that I thought you were talking about your privates from the title
  • [/QUOTE]Duude me too haaa as i read it i was thinking the same thing
  • do u mean 50% of 50% isopropyl alcohol and 50% water???
  • or 50% isopropyl alcohol of any percentage and 50 percent water? Not even being particular i just dont wanna burn my lady and get her all drunk haha


Well-Known Member
Can't see too well from that picture, but if you see sticky "honeydew" residue on the plant in the same area, I would take a guess that you are dealing with scales. Scales love things with a sap, like ficus, but I've never heard of it as a problem for cannabis. (Maybe you have an infected houseplant nearby?)

Scales are usually fairly easy to kill with soap and a little rubbing alcohol, but those would be really harsh on your soft-skinned weed plant. Maybe neem oil solution would do the trick? Good luck!


New Member
i saw the same things on stalks on SMB video vol 2 this appear on end of lifecycle of da outdour plants all plants indour is very rare it wont keel da plant SMB said not to remove dem cuz they will ooze da white milky stuff whiche attracts ants and shit i forgot da name of those things!
peece br()


Active Member
111.jpg there are a few varieties.....none of them are good in any case.....its almost 100 percent of the time outside


Active Member
Soft scales are aphid-like creatures that feed on the sap of trees. Immature scales, called crawlers feed on foliage whereas mature scales feed on branches. All soft scales feed on the sap contents of the tree which means they are susceptible to systemic insecticides. They also produce a lot of honeydew. Dormant oils and contact insecticides can be effective, but only if they are applied to the unprotected crawler stage of the scale. Thus, timing of contact insecticide application is critical to effective control.


Active Member
definitely get a sponge and soak it with safer brand insecticaidal soap or Brand X Foliage Cleaner and apply till gone....dont scrape them off can kill your plant
I've seen those things when watching 'see more buds' videos and 'jorge cervantes' video's. Those little things have a milky like substance in them that is very contagious. Anything it touches will get infected. They usually get to indoor gardens from a person's clothes. You will want to destroy that plant by burning it....It invites a horrible deathly black mold called botrytis. Hopefully i spelled that right...don't have time to check since I'm tired as heck.

Fuck Snails

Active Member
great info. Some contradicts others though.

So do i burn the plant completely or do i try to get rid of with a sponge?:dunce: