Little LOLA my LSTed AG bush


hello to all that read i am on my first grow with the aerogarden looking for good tips to help the process i should have started earlier with this thread but am new to the site so i started my grow with two plants one on each side of the 7 pod AG for the first week and a half i put my germ seeds on 24/0 until about 2in high then switched to herbs for 18/6 vegged for about a month just started flowering 12/12 about two weeks ago my plants were 2 1/2ft in length when i started flowering them after a week and a half one started showing clusters so i figured a boy so i chopped it down i havnt removed root because its so intertwined with the other plant should i try to remove was just using the AG light at first until reading forums on this site so i got 2 19w cfls to add to the mix so im down to one plant and she looks like a girl no hairs yet but doesnt have all the clusters like the other plant just single sprouts crossing my fingers for it to be a girl very stressful:wall: havent gone into all the extra nutes just the lg AG tablets so far so good healthy looking plants in all too bad i had to redrum one so now im down to this almost three foot plant at my limits with the arm for AG lights so decided to LST her at first just tied her down some old bondage type stuff:fire:lmfao but i didnt think she was getting enough light still so she is in my shed and im tryna figure out a grow box cardboard or build one just something to reflect all the unused light and low and behold in the shed is a 3h x 2w x 1d white cabinet with two shelves in it i opened cab doors took out shelves added one of the shelves to the bottem of the cabinet so now i my depth now at at least two feet a perfect all white grow box:clap: amazing what a top head can put his mind to so now im thinking im on my way i place her in her new home and i liked it one problem though when LSTed her she was now to wide to fit in her new home well no problem i decided well whats alil more bending gonna hurt she is still soft stemmed so i bent her to hell and back and ended up with a foot high bush instead of a mile high tree hey we all like bush right :-P on one of my last bends i heard a snap uuuuughhh:spew:what was that just doing a little to much to lola and she gave me the business a broken top cola dammit well she was done with her transformation minus one severed limb i put the two 19w cfls(warm white) in the new box but was thinking its not a box till the front is covered so i had this white 3'x 3' plastic trey that fit the front perfectly now i have nice grow box with enough light for now i put the AG light almost halfway down from where it was problem solved well need the bud but i like the setup she has now so im all done with a setup i will keep for many grows just what to do with this this broken cola wasnt a main but still important to me it is three nodes down so i figured try to clone it have another 3pod AG so i followed procedure all steps just didnt have root gel but i tried it any ways worse comes to worse it doesnt give off roots so now u are all up to date with my current grow one last thing its 45 degrees tonight hope she is alright out there well if u see any thing i need to do just let me know new to this but i love peace family:weed:


good news everyone lola made it through the night and low and behold i've got a few white hairs coming out i'm so excited can barely control my self another plus is my broken cola that i tried cloning looks healthy today when i put it in yesterday day it didnt look to well but to day it looks a lil more perky hope it roots will have pics up in a little bit thanks for reading


goin to get some right now sicc your are the reason my plant box and plant looks like this bare with me cam isnt the greatest but hey some better then none


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, that set up should do fine, just make sure that when the lights are off, that no light gets in there, glad to know shes a female, now the waiting game starts :weed:


lol yep the good old waiting game to make sure 12 and 12 is right i cut them on at seven in the morning and cut them off at 7 at night might get another bulb tonight if the lady will let me


Well-Known Member
lol yep the good old waiting game to make sure 12 and are right i cut them on at seven in the morning and cut them off at 7 at night might get another bulb tonight if the lady will let me
yeah its still early, but the more light the better, your 12/12 is almost like mine, on at 6am, off at 6pm :bigjoint:


went and got another 26w cfl today but when moving a round light i broke one of the two 19w cfls i had dammit :cuss: so in its place i put a baby 14w cfl in its place so upset that i broke the light and not willing to go buy another light right now i remembered we had another 3pod AG that was someones xmas present they didnt get so i took the lamp and bulb and got a fig 8 cord and put it in the grow box along with the new bulb so now i have the

26w(full spectrum) cfl x 4 lm = 6840
26w(warm white) cfl x 1 lm = 1710
19w(warm white) cfl x 1 lm = 1300
14w(warm white) cfl x 1 lm= 950

for a total (initial lumen) = 10,800 lm:hump::hump::hump:

i wish the kelvin temp was completely right at 2700k but hey what can you do now if i can get myself 8000 more lumen ill be happy lola too is this a good number to shoot for 18000 and how much effect does the kelvin temp have on a flowering plant


went out to replace the 14w cfl today with a 23w cfl for a new total of 172w on lola hope my yield is 2 oz or more i keep you all updated once the buds get bigger still hard to see them right now cause they are so little but every day you can see a change but ill put a pic up when lola is worthy


well i cleaned out the rez today i thought i was gonna be able to get away with not messing with it but the water looked real cloudy so i took her out and put her in some filtered water cleaned rez and put her back in with a gallon of filtered water with nutes and karo syrup and now i have all ten buds in front under a wooden rod directly below the cfls so hopefully they will grow like that i read on one of these forums about putting syrup during flowering doubles the size of buds so off of lola i have ten buds growing hopefully they all end up being 8gms each thats what im shooting for but all and all lola looks great putting off a lot of hairs so i post a pic once they are bigger


Well-Known Member
never heard of the syrup thing, but make sure to do a weely rez change to keep things fresh for the plant


had to flush rez today must of had nutrient lockout water wasnt being absorbed by lola so i cleaned out rez and put in a gallon of filtered water with no nutes ill wait a few days until i add a another nute tablet when i soaked her roots a lot of milky slime came off her rinsed her twice then put her back in the rez i hope she does ok the water looked alot better after i put her in those two rinses did her justice so ill see if she starts drinking it tomorrow i hope


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the nutrients got caked up on the roots, make sure you do weekly rex changes, maybe more often if you have to, keep us posted


yea ill have pics up tomorrow for the lurkers lol but she looks good i just hate moving her around to change rez i wonder how many weeks left of flowering proly a month or month and a half well i havnt smoked since new years cause trying to get a job so when i land the the job and dont have to worry bout a pis test hopefully she will be close to harvest lola will be a good fucker upper worth the wait now i dont want to smoke anything else just her lol and i just stopped newports this past week 8yr cigarette smoker glad to be done with that poison just waiting on my lil lola