little help please.


Active Member
is it possible to recover from severe wilt due to lack of water?...note to seof, south facing hilltop with all day sun is a no go for humping water without my truck.


Well-Known Member
if you watered them and its not past the braking point of the should see them fully recover in about 2-3 hours (or less).


Well-Known Member
Exactly if they are not dead than give them so water and dont worry about it. if the leaves are all crispy than you killed them. If just drooping then give them water.


Well-Known Member
You could always turn the top inch of soil (careful not to go very deep) and THEN water. It will help get the water down into the root zone.

BTW it sounds like your having a hard time keeping them watered, but a south faceing hilltop that gets sun all day is THE best place you could have planted your grow. I bet its a lot of work, but you will be VERY happy you put them there come harvest. Keep it up should be half way done and starting to see flowers now (or very soon).


Active Member
Emergency quick deep watering I got a pipe that's tapered towered the bottom to make kind of a spike with a reservoir I made from a 2l bottle on the top end. In my veggie garden when I have been away from the house for too many days during this hot summer has suffered a few times. If seepage is the issue and you need to apply water to the roots NOW plunge the spike in the ground fill the reservoir with water it'll take a while to drain if your seepage is too off. Takes me around 8 minutes per 2L in high clay soil. (Next year using construction sand in my veggie bed this clay is pissing me off.) Water will be applied directly to the roots, voila.


Active Member
i don't think the water in giving is getting deep enough in the existing soil...ideas?..
Im assuming you dug a hole and put good soil in the ground or are in pots.... .if so add a few drops of dish soap (or buy an organic wetting agent like me "coco wet $7") to your feed/water and it will decrease surface tension of your water (meaning it will penetrate your soil better) its very possible the soil became hydrophobic due to the heat and this will fix it...poking a few holes is a good idea too but no more then 3-4 or you can stress her more by destroying roots