Little Babys?? HELP!!!


Active Member
We have 6 plants i germinated them in RW and just put them in my ebb and flow the ph is about 6.5 and the nute level is registering at 420... and i am using a 400 watt HPS light.. and its about 3 1/2 feet from the plant... maybe a little less... but they all started to fall over... the color is normal and they look healthy... just a little lean to them... i added a little support for them but what should i do???



Well-Known Member
ph for hydro should be around 5.5 to 6.0. They are also looking a little droppy. Maybe water a lil less


Active Member
Your light is too far away from the plants.. they are stretching out to get more light. HPS isnt ideal for vegitative growth, but it will work fine if you make sure they get enough of it. If you can, lower the light down to 12 inches or so. If you continue to keep the light over 3 ft away from the plant, they will kepe stretchingh. I grew with a 400w HPS for years. For seeds and early vegging, I would grow them under CFL's. These are cheap and you can put them real close to the seedlings (few inches away) and they will get a ton of light. Once they are 5-6 inches tall, I would bring in the 400w and start blooming.


Active Member
OK... We just finished up a purple power plant that turned out FANTASTIC... we just had one in the system.. so it got HUGE... so im trying to do 6 plants fast and easy...


Active Member
i dont gro hydro but your PH is too high when you do hydro it should be like 6.0ph or even 5.5...i think thats the problem


Active Member
switch to soil haha ...seriously.. amateurs shouldnt be growing hydro until you master soil. in this case you could add soil burying these long stems a lil more...


Active Member
I lowered the light to about two feet above the plant... i lowered the nute lever to 280... and i have the lights on 24 hours...