Lining / Wrapping Grow Room?

Another inquiry for the brain trust.

Is it common to line your entire grow space with something like poly? I have seen it in some pictures but not all, and couldnt find anything in search.

I am only concerned with this because my specific growing area has exterior walls, all of which may not be completely air tight. There is no money in this op for ionizers or carbon filtered ventilation or things like that, and I am worried about odors escaping outside.

At the same time, I am also worried that lining the entire space (which is only 8 square feet) might cause unexpected humidity and temperature reactions. Or maybe I am over thinking and should just line it. So, thoughts? Thanks all~


Well-Known Member
Home depot 6 mil black plastic is the way to go.. you can even buy zipper's to make doors anywhere you want them for that AIR tight room


Home depot 6 mil black plastic is the way to go.. you can even buy zipper's to make doors anywhere you want them for that AIR tight room
Another option is panda film, black on the outside, white on the inside. You'll want a flat white for the inside walls no matter the material for good light reflection.

If your careful on the film install and use some good tape, like TUCT tape, the red stuff, (not duct tape), you can really seal your grow space off from any escaping aroma's.

Hope that helps,


Ps - Make sure you overlap your film edges by at least 3" and tuct tape the joints....


Well-Known Member
So it is common then, thanks guys. And the zipper idea was great razor, I actually looked it up and found zippers that adhere on. This will really help in making a completely sealed area since I can effectively cover the opening now.

hell yeah, I go zipper crazy on every set up that i do,why not.. it is just to easy to put up some 6 mil and add a zipper to it and you can make as many separate rooms as you want if space is a problem..


Active Member
you have to have good ventilation [ intake , exhaust] and with out a carbon filter its going to smell