Limited Grow Height, Can not decide. Help.

My seeds are germinating, and I am finally getting this grow going. Below I have attached 2 pics, one of the grow tent and the other of the top of the res I am using. The grow tent image is just to show the height space between the 400w HPS light and the top of the res, you of which you can see a piece of each in the pic. Thats as far as I could pan back because the tent is in the closet. But the tents total height is 5'3" and I have about 2' 10" total grow space between the top of the res and the bottom of the light.

I am growing 1 White Widow, 1 Northern Light, and 1 Bubble Cheese.

I would figure that LST would be the best method, but I have no idea how I would do that with the limited space on the res. The pots in the res are only 5" wide. So looking at the res, how would you lst that.

I have no idea how to scrog, and really do not want to do that with this grow, but have to consider anything at this point. I do not want to deal with plants growing into the light and not knowing what to do.

So can someone experienced help me out. I am looking for some guidance. Give as much detail as you can provide. I am so looking forward to this grow and really want to do it right. So take a look at the pics and tell me what you think.

Its a DWC setup. I have good control of my temps and humidity, and am going to use the Lucas Formula with GH Flora nutes. So the only thing left is the grow technique, which I hope you growers can help me with. Thanks in advance.


i have a similar grow that i'm 4 months into. i have only 1 plant and i LST'd it and also used trellis. now the grow space is completly taken over with one plant, having no more space to train over sideways i had no choice but to grow them upward

only problem i ran into was that i veg'd her for a month and half or so and the plant is a giant, but i still have a few inches of headroom to spare.

next grow i'm thinking of 12/12 after a few weeks in consideration of my lack of space :P
btw, i started with 3 plants, one turned out to be male, and i messed up the taproot on the other sadly, which worked out because in my confined space one plant is really the only option.

my grow space is less then 3 feet X 19 inches with about 6 ft tall.