Lime Yellow Curl Fever


Active Member
Okay so this is day 8-9 of my babie and she is staring to look a little under the weather.
So I wasn't able to obtain a ph test and balance kit until about 3 watering cycles in and I'm afraid that the pH I was using was either too high or too low for her.
I'm now doing my best to feed her the recommended 6.6-6.8 but I'm thinking her soil still holds the wrong pH from the untested water.
Should I flush it out with a higher or lower than pH to balance it out or is so,thing else wrong?
I would appreciate any help from anyone.

Thank you
One love ✌

P.s.- I'm working on uploading pics, I'm on my iPad and trying to learn how


Active Member
Okay I found out how to upload pics

This is her first few days, and as you can see she didn't want to let go of her seed.
I let it come off on its own to try and reduce any extra stress for her.

Maybe this plays a part of her illness



Well-Known Member
what kinda soil? Just dont drown it. If the soil is moist, leave it alone, let it dry out some before u do anything.


Active Member
Now this is her today.
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg I know the one tear drop leaf is damaged from the seed.
She looks a little too light for me and a bit too curled
What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Now this is her today.
View attachment 3510912 View attachment 3510914 View attachment 3510915 View attachment 3510912 View attachment 3510914 View attachment 3510915 View attachment 3510912 View attachment 3510914 View attachment 3510915 I know the one tear drop leaf is damaged from the seed.
She looks a little too light for me and a bit too curled
What do you think?
They are the easiest to kill when they are that small, it looks ok to me. I would tread lightly. Don't burn it


Active Member
Here's the soil I used, and I watered her last night and don't expect to water her for another day or two.
Do you think I just over watered?image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is at its most vulnerable during the seedling stage. That being said, no I wouldn't bother flushing the soil, as you may drown your plants/end up having to do an emergency transplant. What is the pH of your soil? What do you have for aeration in the medium (perlite/coco fiber is great stuff) Also, 6.5-7.0 is fine for soil, you don't need to maintain that tight of a range for healthy growth.


Well-Known Member
its easy to do, most people tend to "over care" for their plants. Let the pot get light. Just start getting used to the weight of the cup, this is the best way to tell if it has enough water in the soil. It will be a lot lighter when it's time to water. I personally start mine off on bottled organic nutes when they are that small. But at "seedling dosage" that is recommended. A lot of people will tell u to dilute half of what the label says. I don't do it with organic nutes, its hard to burn a plant with organic fertilizer IMO. Definitely harder than a salt based fertilizer. Just be easy right now.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a fan? I recommend opening your tent and blowing hot air out. Try to keep your temps below 85 degrees, and keep your thermometer at the canopy of the plants, not at the roof of your tent. Growth tends to slow/cease above ~85. Keep your fluorescent 2-4 inches away from your seedling tops, cannabis needs all the light she can get!


Well-Known Member
I'd grab a better soil myself, I go out and buy sunshine mix #4. But there's a lot to choose from. FFOF is one a lot of guys love cause you don't have to fertilize for a few weeks, and it's organic, i think. Lots of choices but if you want your plant to thrive it needs to be something that holds water a little and drains well.


Well-Known Member
yeah that's hot dude, need to get that temp down. Looks like your taking temp at top of tent, make sure to try to get the canopy temp. I try to keep mine no hotter than 84, and prefer it around 79.


Active Member
My thermometer is placed at the top of my tent so I can read the top and it has a wired reader that goes down and sits right next to the plant, so I can see that temp too
I do have a circulating fan and as for hot air, I have a 4" exhaust at the top of my 2'7" x 5'11" tent
Here are some pics
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
You need a stronger exhaust fan to get that temp down. Don't blow on your seedling to hard with the fan, to much wind can stress'em too.


Well-Known Member
Fuck, should I have gone with a 6"?
maybe so, I got one of those 4" inline duct fans like yours. It kinda sucks, for getting air out in my germination closet. I didn't work with my t5(got way to hot) I had to keep a t8 over'em for germination. U can pump some cooler air in the tent possibly. Do something to get that temp down though. Get it as close to optimum conditions as u can, and roll with it.
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