Lighting set up completed (pics)


Well-Known Member
Hi all, this is my lighting set up completed 6 x 18 watt cfl's which say equivelent to a 100 watt bulb, so ive got 108 watts in all 72 watts above the plant and 36 watts lowerdown arround the plant, tell me what you think and if i could improve it somehow, think temp will be arround 80 once the new bulbs warm up



Well-Known Member
I thought it was 75 watts per square foot? maybe a few more if it gets bigger but not loads surely, im sick of wiring em and im running out of sockets :P


Well-Known Member
the more lght the more dense your buds will be for seedlings like yours .....they dont need much....yet.....


Well-Known Member
Yea true, its about 5 weeks old but spent the first 4 weeks in sunlight, to be honest i think i may have stunted it or something as it has only grown about an inch since putting under cfl's, going to have to get some seeds and start over i think, it was only ever a test plant anyway.
thanks for input

good ol' boy

Well-Known Member
a simple way to add more light when it gets bigger is to get some y socket splitters, that will allow you to put 2x as many lights without any additional wiring. And you could upgrade to 42w cfls. never can have too much light.


Well-Known Member
a simple way to add more light when it gets bigger is to get some y socket splitters, that will allow you to put 2x as many lights without any additional wiring. And you could upgrade to 42w cfls. never can have too much light.
Hi good ol, ive currently got all my lights pluged into that in the picture then that plugged into my timer, ive found some higher watt ones but am going to wait and see if this test plant works out as for 6 of them it would cost £35.00


good ol' boy

Well-Known Member
Hi good ol, ive currently got all my lights pluged into that in the picture then that plugged into my timer, ive found some higher watt ones but am going to wait and see if this test plant works out as for 6 of them it would cost £35.00
I can understand that as i am also growing on a bit of a budject. good luck with your grow. and keep us posted as to how it works out for you.