Lighting problem and possible room problem


Well-Known Member
Alright here's how it goes. I'm 19 and living in my moms house till I get enough money to move out after paying off credit cards and cell bill.... OK So I'm in the basement because it's like an apartment of my own. Direct access to outside an everything...

Now a few months ago I tried growing. The plant was looking pretty decent for my first grow. 3 inch stem and like 4 or 6 leaves after I think a week and a half. But My mom found it when I was away at a friends for a few days. MY guess is it was the light. Once I get a job I'm probably going to grow in there (closet) again once I get a knob with a lock on it haha.

When I grew that I had about 4 condesent (EDIT** the normal lights. Incondesent or condensent w/e) (the ones you screw in haha) bulbs on it I believe they were 60W. Now I have 8 seeds in those small plastic cups they are throw away cups sorta deal. I have one 60W on the for now.

Here's the thing, this hidden like area I found in the house is like 2 feet wide by MAYBE a foot from me to the wall and about like a foot high... I know a little restricted....

Is this near enough light for the seeds? I'm affraid because it's such a small area that the room will over heat and something may catch fire. lol... I could possibly upload a few pics of the room and everything for those to comment on if they'd like...

Main thing is I'm in a big bind. I'm not happy being near my family they are too uuuuh goody goody compared to me. And it's frusterating. I need money to pay off my bills and then just grow for my own use cause I'm droppin every last bit of money I get on weed. If I have 200 195 goes to weed and 5 to cigarettes haha see...

I would just like peoples help... All is thanked in advance. Thank you.

- B


Well-Known Member
Incandescent suck for growing you will be very disappointed if you try to grow with them. Buy a few cfl's.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats what I heard a lot of. How much brighter are those??? I have the whole outside light issue to worry about haha. I'm going to look at prices on the net right now though cause I only have 1 60W on 8 seeds I planted like 430am yesterday so they've been on 60W 24 hour light since 430am yesterday I think ha.

peace and thanks


Well-Known Member
Don't waste the seeds put the grow on hold and slowly get the things you need...if you start now you will have nothing but upset and hart lots and good luck


Well-Known Member
haha I have been reading for the last few months like 2 and a half months... Basically all I REALLY need is more light...

I do have one question no one seems to have stated in ANYTHING I've read...

How long does the whole growing process last? from seed plant to smoke???

I've guessed 6months I determained that from the average times people say to do stuff around... So iuno just wondering ha.


Active Member
You seem to be in the exact same situation as i am, but i agree with previous comments. Put the grow on hold till you can get better lighting, the bonus is that depending on the light you get your likely to get less heat and thus have less to worry about in terms of fire.That and a better overall grow.


Well-Known Member
you could try growing one of the lowryder hybrids in there; lowryder#2, power stout etc etc.

theyll be done in about 9 weeks from seed, and will only grow a foot tall if you keep your eye on them and tie down where necessary