Lighting and reflector questions


Well-Known Member
k, i just found out that tin foil cause burn spot so im thinking about using mirrors would that work?

whats the different between using hps and cfl lighting? Is it just the light output? What if i use 6 23w cfl and 1 9w clf which equal to 9750 lumens, will it be the same as using 1 100w hps with 9500 lumens?


Well-Known Member
No you cant use mirrors because mirrors absorb light before reflecting it.

You should read up & research lumens,radiant light,candella & all about different types of lighting,its not as simple as adding more bulbs to increase light intensity,adding more bulbs does not give the results of adding lumens.

The explaination for this is quite long & ive posted it several times,so have others,its here on the site,no matter what there is no substitute for the power of HPS or MH with CFL's.