lighter problems

so im sittin here in my bed i just packed up the bong with some sour flower and ive just realized that i dont have a lighter, now if i was hittin a blunt or somethin id just use my gas stove but i have no wraps,now what could i use has a lighter tht would be around my house??????????????????????????????


Active Member
still use the stove, just light something else. Roll up some paper and light that up. or run to the closest gas station


Well-Known Member
LOL, reminded me of a story I read in the news last night, of a guy that burned down his house because he looked for a remote under his bed with a lighter.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
This is why I buy the 10 packs of lighters from family dollar. I want 10+ lighters floating around my house and car at all times. If I ever notice I have less than 10 lighters I go buy another package.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
maybe you can light a candle? candles are a stoner's friend. even if you have an electric range you can set something on fire to light the candle. might i suggest a few boxes of kitchen matches to stick in your junk drawer? i can't tell you how many times my stash of matches has come to my rescue, and you can get like a decade's worth for about 3 bucks.


I've had to run to the garage and use my propane torch setup but matches yuck no thank you. Lol I don't know why but I can't do the matches.


Well-Known Member
Unless you are filming an episode of Does it burn? Propane torch + couch are never a good combination.


Well-Known Member
We didnt like the taste of sulfer when I was in Jr High........between periods we go outside and use a magnifying glass to like bowls with......worked long as sun shinning...........

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I go to family dollar and get a 10 pack (plus one "free") for $3 + tax. They are not bic, they are the disposable ones like this:

I have never had one not work though. Plus I either use them or lose them so quickly I like to keep them as cheap as possible. With tax it works out to 29 cents per lighter.

I recommend checking for a family dollar. If you don't have that try dollar stores, or dollar tree, or something cheap like that.


Active Member
We didnt like the taste of sulfer when I was in Jr High........between periods we go outside and use a magnifying glass to like bowls with......worked long as sun shinning...........
do you need a big magnifying glass for that?