light then outside


Active Member
do you guys keep sprouts/young plants under grow lights for a few days before putting outside
if so how long do you keep the lights on daily
cheers fil7


Well-Known Member
When I get my clones I keep them watered and sit in a window for 2 weeks to allow root growth.
I don't use lights but if you do run them 24 16 hrs and not real close to the lights. Floresent lights work OK for this.
Save your money and just sit them on a window sill mother nature will take care of you.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
if i am going to put plants outside, i like to start them inside at least 3-4 weeks before putting out. this will let the plants get bigger and will have a better survival rate then a small tender seedling that will get eaten.

you will also want to harden them off before planting outside by putting them out for a short time then bring them back in. do this everyday lengthening the amount of time outside everyday. this will get them used to the weather and the high power of the sun before planting outside.


Active Member
i put most of my clones under flor. lites before putting them will want to wait until they are strong enuf to handle the weather, and will help by taking "smoke and coke " advice by transferring them outdoor and indoor a little bit each day and longer each day..let them build up a tolerance for outside then away you go....
i also have a sun room where i can open windows for ventalition and to get them youst to the wind,,and i dont use lites on them out there and they do just fine in both cases.,,BUT the plants i have put under the lites seem to grow a bit faster..and i had my lites on 18-6..


Active Member
so if i try to match the light with day light hours untill big enough & transplant outside will this do
cheers fil7

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
yes it will work. but i would just keep the lights on for 18 hours and off for 6 until they are big enough to put outside.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you want the lights on for 18-24 hrs so that they will stay in vegetative mode and will get some size on them.


Active Member
could i do away with a light if say i put them in a heated propergater on window sill (may next year) for the first couple of weeks putting them outside for a few hours a day to harden them off.
cheers fil7