Light schedule Derailed, need help


Active Member
Hello everybody, I have 2 150W hps and 3 flourescent bulbs. I also have 6 5500K cfls.

I have been on an 18/6 cycle with these on.

Last night 4 of the small CFLs (14W) stayed on after the timer went off.
The timer goes ON at 4:20pm and OFF at 10:20am. Well these 4 CFLs stayed on all day.

What will this do to my plants? They have been VEG for 3 weeks.
I water every two days. I use organic soil. In box temp is between 74 and 77 with humidity at 42%-50%

SO how will these CFLs being on all day affect the plant? Thanks



Active Member
id like to know the same thing, ice just kinda been wingin it cause i dont have a timer and ive forgotten a few times, my plants are fine, their growth might be affected but i dont really notice.