Light Movers


Well-Known Member
I managed to buy two light movers with rails and am contemplating how I want to set them up.

My first question is to those that have used them before.....are they all what they brag to be? I want to know before I start tearing up my grow room to install everything.

My second question is to the same people......are there any hints or suggestions you have in regards to set-up? I'll be hanging two sealed light fixtures and have 6" ducting to contend with. If it matters, one houses a 400w HPS, the other a 400w MH. The grow room is 5x7x7 and I'm shooting for growing six plants under these lights with T5's as side-lighting.

Oh.....and I got both movers, rails, etc along with the sealed light fixtures.......for $50 on Craigslist.



Well-Known Member
the light mover rail is like .............track for a cloest door ........or track lighting in a den

best way to hang them is to bolt into the studs of the ceiling or a hanging system with it bolted to studs(but the bolted to the stud is the important part since some lights and hoods can be over 300 bucks)...............drill the hole get a nice screw eyebolt put on some lock tight/gorrla glue/super glue and twist it into the stud u have a solid anchor .......when u are done and do not need it hacksawl the bolt off grind it down little and putty the bitch up

as for lighting ............get a 1000 watt ballast and some mh bulbs for veggie and some dual arcs for flowering (this is my next set up and step )


Well-Known Member
I've got one rail hanging in a 5 by 8 room, if the room were any smaller it wouldn't really be feasible to hang a rail.
I've added a trolley and hung a led panel right next to the air cooled hood running hps.
Haven't really had the mover long enough to judge .



Active Member
They work well when used correctly. Be prepared to move plants around if they aren't even. Dude you scored on the price! uhh... make sure your duct is long enough but at the same time doesn't hang down too low or contact the plants. Make sure you have room at the ends so your light doesn't touch the sides or jam at the ends. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
One of my objectives is to grow six plants only using two 400w bulbs overhead and T5 lighting blasting the sides. I've attempted to use a 600w HPS along with the 400w MH and it heats up the room too much. This may change when I get the tempered glass for my light fixtures. I think it's important to have a mix of light spectrum from HPS and MH.


New Member
[FONT=&amp] what brand of light mover did you purchase? i’ve only used LightRail and i love it, if that is the brand you purchased then yes its really is all they brag to be. the reason you want to move your light is because then the light comes in at angles so more of the mid and lower leaves get light. when that happens, more leaves are working for the plant. also, hot spots are gone when you move your light so you can get closer to the plants so they can really get the wattage. i’ve been using my LightRail for 6 years with seriously good results. [/FONT]