Light movers !


I've read the post on here about them . I have a 4by8 flood table and a 1k hps. I was wondering if its sufficient to use just the one light on a mover to save on electric. Or if I should just buy another 1k hps. Anybody have any experience with them. Any info woul be helpful thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
When I first started many years ago I had a 400W MH on a light mover, was able to grow 16 plants in two rows using a light mover, it worked great, I recomend it greatly, it's well worth it.


Well-Known Member
No, light movers don't really give you more area, they give you evenness. They allow you to get the light closer to the plants without burning. A light mover and 1000 watter isn't going to cover a 4x8.

You will get more yeild with 2x1000 than 1x1000.

I've had tops 4" from a 1000 watt bare bulb without them burning because the light kept moving and I had a fan under it.

All that said, I don't have a problem with light movers. They have some uses and I would be happy to have one over my 4x4 moving 2 ft back and forth just for the benefit but I can't rig one in my current space.
They don't however double your light, despite what they hydro store says.

See my grow in the vertical section for a rather interesting use of a light mover with bare bulb.


Thanks guys I appreciate the input. Exactly what I wanted to know. So ill def be gettin another 1k hps. I have a 400hps but I won't be able to evenly use it with my 1k. Thanks thanks ! Btw I'm a noob so there gonna be a lot of questions from me. I've read a lot on the forum but still full of questions. Thanks again