Light help


Active Member
I have one single plant going but it's from a very good seed so I want to make sure I get the best bud out of it possible. What light setup would you recommend for an indoor grow of just 1 plant to get the biggest buds?
I was also planning on using colored lights after hearing good things about them. Was planning on doing blue while in veg and wide spectrum (high in reds,oranges) for flowering as I've seen advised but was wondering if anyone had any experience with this and could share the best way to do it.
My friend is going to bring me a "Miniature Sun" in a few weeks also so any reviews on that would be helpful also.


Well-Known Member
Different lights have different pros and cons. If your going for yield you'll want a hps, Temp is an issue maybe led ,CFLs you'll have few temp issues etc and are cheap Depends on budget too, the amount of different ways you can grow weed is ridiculous. There's no right or wrong way, a lot will argue about what Iv just said lol so it's in fact a difficult question. Decide what you want from your grow and buy the best light you can afford then jump on the forum for that light. I personally use cfls for veg and gavitas for flower


Well-Known Member
One single plant is vague. It depends on how big of an area you plan on using for that plant.
Lets say you grow to a 2x2 space for the plant.
Then you want around 200w of hps, meaning a 250w hps or metal halide is required
With Blurple LED, they are not great, so you want at least the same in true wattage.
With good LEDs using efficient white light you want 30w per square foot.
You could also go with cfl or plug and play household LED bulbs.

Its going to come down to what you want to spend.

You could go for a blurple like mars hydro or vipar spectra for cheap. Ignore the claimed wattage and look at the power draw.
You could pick up a cheap 250w HPS/MH
Or you could get a HLG 135w Quantum board kit. That will light up the space I'm talking about really well. It wouldn't be much more expensive than a cheapo LED.


Active Member
Thanks Corey I appreciate the feedback so quickly, firstly. I'll definitely take all the advice I can get, especially from experienced growers. I'm growing in about a 2x2 area and my plant is about 3weeks old and is 4.5 inches right now.

"Ignore the claimed wattage and look at the power draw..", Are you talking about the amount of Lums it puts off, if not I'm not sure how to check the true power draw (Newbie here for sure when it comes to most things indoor growing)
What's the lowest watt you would use for a blue light, I really want to try using the blue light at some point, and what's the lowest watt for a white light you would trust to make good buds?

Last question on my mind is about using white bulbs and a colored blue bulb at the same time or if it's better to just go with one or the other?
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Active Member
Thank you for the reply Tiltswitch. I'm definitely going to have to go through some trial and error to figure everything out, no doubt. Just trying to make sure I don't get to experimental or do some simple yet fatal mistake and fuck my plant up because I really like the strain. Any advice I will gladly take so thanks buddy!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Corey I appreciate the feedback so quickly, firstly. I'll definitely take all the advice I can get, especially from experienced growers. I'm growing in about a 2x2 area and my plant is about 3weeks old and is 4.5 inches right now.

"Ignore the claimed wattage and look at the power draw..", Are you talking about the amount of Lums it puts off, if not I'm not sure how to check the true power draw (Newbie here for sure when it comes to most things indoor growing)
What's the lowest watt you would use for a blue light, I really want to try using the blue light at some point, and what's the lowest watt for a white light you would trust to make good buds?

Last question on my mind is about using white bulbs and a colored blue bulb at the same time or if it's better to just go with one or the other?
I will try and provide an example.

The above link is selling a "600w" grow light. But all it is 120 5w diodes, they like to add that up so they can call it a 600w light.
But it doesn't work that way since you don't run led diodes at full power because they wouldn't last long if you did. So they use a driver to set the current and prolong the life of the whole unit . The lower a diode is run the more efficient it is.
You can see below the add in the specs that the average power draw is actually 269w and that the max flower footprint is 2.5ftx2.5ft
So you have a light which actually isn't that cheap or powerful to light up a small space.
If you look at something like the HLG 135w quantum board kit.


You will see far more useful info. For example they use the real power consumption , it is an actual 135w light.
They give you the efficacy of the unit. This gives you a better idea of how much light per watt your getting.

Really LED is about efficiency for most people. Been able to light up a space for less wattage and thus have less heat to control or light up a space with the same wattage and have more light for the power consumption.

That HLG 135w kit will perform excellent in a 2x2 and that is a fact. Where those vipar lights will perform average in the space they are recommended for. When taking that into account the HLG is cheaper and far better than the cheap blurple option even though the wattage difference, the fact is your getting far more light per watt with something like the HLG than the vipar and much better value.

I wont talk about the spectrum differences because I'm a dunce when it comes to the details. But basically the idea that plants only need blue and red is an old concept that is very outdated.


Well-Known Member
I have one single plant going but it's from a very good seed so I want to make sure I get the best bud out of it possible. What light setup would you recommend for an indoor grow of just 1 plant to get the biggest buds?
I was also planning on using colored lights after hearing good things about them. Was planning on doing blue while in veg and wide spectrum (high in reds,oranges) for flowering as I've seen advised but was wondering if anyone had any experience with this and could share the best way to do it.
My friend is going to bring me a "Miniature Sun" in a few weeks also so any reviews on that would be helpful also.
I would put a 400 watt metal halide / HPS above it and be done with it.
-best of luck!


Well-Known Member
I have one single plant going but it's from a very good seed so I want to make sure I get the best bud out of it possible. What light setup would you recommend for an indoor grow of just 1 plant to get the biggest buds?
I was also planning on using colored lights after hearing good things about them. Was planning on doing blue while in veg and wide spectrum (high in reds,oranges) for flowering as I've seen advised but was wondering if anyone had any experience with this and could share the best way to do it.
My friend is going to bring me a "Miniature Sun" in a few weeks also so any reviews on that would be helpful also.
I like HPS, but if heat is an issue you might like LED.
I would plan on growing more plants in the future, like 3 minimum because your odds are better to get a couple of good plants, instead, if your one plant fails or is a male, your fucked.
But for 1 plant to get as much bang for your buck, I would get a 400 watt HPS dimmable (cheap), because in my experience, you'll get bigger plants with HPS.


Active Member
I like HPS, but if heat is an issue you might like LED.
I would plan on growing more plants in the future, like 3 minimum because your odds are better to get a couple of good plants, instead, if your one plant fails or is a male, your fucked.
But for 1 plant to get as much bang for your buck, I would get a 400 watt HPS dimmable (cheap), because in my experience, you'll get bigger plants with HPS.
Thanks a lot! I'm looking around at different stores online to find out who has what I'm looking for and having shitty luck. Apparently the stores in my area don't carry them or are out of stock atm so I'm sticking with my 200w rn and this 40w blue light, also giving it sun on very bright days.


Vibraspec has a 600 watt led panel for like 100$ on amazon for one plant that should do it but I'm no expert lol. I'm running 400 watts led on my 1 ill let you know how it turns out .