Light hanger options?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,
I have a set of gro yo's on a hood and just kinda booger my other part time hood and flouro's.does anybody know of other ways for up and down adjustability ? I like the yo's but always on the look out for cheaper alternatives.


Well-Known Member
I run big kahuna hoods that are about 45+lbs. I use 600# chain attached to anchors on my floor joists. total for 4-16" chain was 11.00 and 4-200# hooks were 7.00. never needing to worry about a failing yo yo again.....priceless. I can adjust my height by myself.


Well-Known Member
go to home depot and get a couple lengths of chain... get 'S' hook and you should be able to adjust height... a zip tie and you can secure a clamp light socket to the chain. bend one of the links of chain and you might be able use that as a way of hooking up to your fluorescent fixture. or just buy a long piece of chain and bend a couple links loose yourself.