Light growing guidence needed!


Active Member
I currently have 4 26w 6500k Cfl's on my girls. My question is: would it be more beneficial if I replaced one or more of the Blue spectrum lights with a flowering 2700k light? This is for Vegetative Growth, I'm just currious if this would help it grow faster and or better.


Well-Known Member
Call me old-fashioned, but I like to stick to a strict regiment of 6400K bulbs only during the veg cycle, and 2700K bulbs only during the bloom cycle. Those are the spectrums the plants benefit from the most during the respective cycles.

People might suggest you mix the spectrums, stacking more 6400K bulbs than 2700K during veg, and vice versa during bloom, so it's up to you.

Of course, I would definitely mix the spectrums if you're growing an auto-flower.

Any more details on your grow?



Active Member
Call me old-fashioned, but I like to stick to a strict regiment of 6400K bulbs only during the veg cycle, and 2700K bulbs only during the bloom cycle. Those are the spectrums the plants benefit from the most during the respective cycles.

Any more details on your grow?

I think I will just keep my set-up as it is now. Thankyou for the advice.
My little girls are a Lemon G strand, which from what I have read is Indica dominate. I'm 3 weeks into the Veg cycle from seed, However I feel that they are kinda small for their age. Both about 3" tall and 4-4.5" wide. I'll post some pics later on today. No Nutes, Top soil mixed with peat moss. Watering whenever the top gets crust, and its dry an inch down.
Another note: Transplanted about 4 days ago into a larger pot.


Active Member

Here are the pics. Any reason why they are so small? what am I doing wrong? I know its my first and I have alot to learn, but in comparison to others I have seen on this sight they are dinky.


Active Member
FYI: they will be 4 weeks on the 2nd. Yet I feel like they look as if they are only 2 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
They might be a little on the small side, but they look nice and healthy (which is the most important aspect of any decent grow).

I'm a hydro grower, and haven't ever grown in soil, so I'm not too sure about soil nutes. I would definitely introduce them to some form of nutrient feed though. That should help promote aggressive vegetative growth. Are you pH balancing the water?
