Light Fell on My PLant Help


Well-Known Member
ok so approx 5 mins ago i found out that the light had fallen on my plant that was in flowering and now the thinggs kinda wilted what should i do and will my plants survive?


Well-Known Member
no light did not break and its more wilted then burnt but yeah the leaves are turning brown


Well-Known Member
Ooops ive done that, the edge of the reflector severed two branches off the main stem, they were still slightly attached so i just taped them up into position on the main stem after a week it had healed and i could take the tape off


Well-Known Member
i dont know how it fell over im wondering the same thing it was fine 2 hours before but then when i go into water them i discovered the light had fallen so bottom line will my plant make it? or not?


Active Member
I had my plants grow up into my CFLs after a long vacay. Two of my plants got burned way bad right on the main cola where new leaves grow from. As long as the light gets back to where it was and you don't stress them they should be fine. Funny thing about my experience is that it torched the main stalk, but caused two to grow out the sides. Pretty much topped itself. Good luck.


Active Member
i am a newbie but I just had a respectable first harvest (just bragging a bit). I burnt the heck out of the top of my plant and when researching everything said as long as it is not broken in half this plant is so resilient that as long as you take care of it you can keep it growing. Tape it, fix the light fixture, don't throw off the lighting schedule too much, feed it and love it.

Hope that helps!


New Member
I think it'll live but the parts that the bulb actually was touching might die off.

Don't feel bad, heppened to me about a week ago and busted off a branch, so I made a clone !


Well-Known Member
yea itl probably be cool, canna plants are actually quite hard to kill, ive never managed to kill one yet.


Well-Known Member
Your Joking Right The Bulb was Touching the Top Of The Plant where All The pistols were so is the top of the plant gunna die off? wouldnt that make it take longer in the end between now and the healing process plus the new growing till its actually ready to harvest?


Well-Known Member
yea man as misshestermoffit says that bit might die off, if it does start to die off it might be worth cutting that bit off incase it starts to rot and spreads to the healthy tissue. dead plant matter in with dense bud is a recipe for budrot.


Well-Known Member
igght thanx i want to plus rep use but i never actually worked out how the rep system works so how do i plus rep use?