life is good and so is the weed. help please!


Active Member
ok so its my first time growing and my friend and i have 5 plants. with three being about 5 and a half feet tall and the others closely catching up. we are growing outside in the woods and we live in new york so its 40 degree latitude. we started growing in the first week of june and we have no clue when they will start to bud or if they are males or what. please help. when will i distinguish the sex and when will they start budding? it has been about 8 weeks and we water them daily and they get a good amount of light.

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
Pot usually starts to flower when they have been in the photoperiod for about a week. The photoperiod is when the light schedule is strictly set to 12 hours of light, 12 of darkness. So depending on how long your days are, you will see the first signs of sex about a week after you put them in the photoperiod. When they start showing signs of sex, the best way I can explain is that the males will literally have balls at the nodes. The females have more vase-like shapes where tiny little hairs called "pistils" shoot out. Sometimes you might even get a Hermaphrodite.. The links below should help to illustrate.. Hope this helps!! :peace:

Sexing Marijuna Sexing Cannabis Female

Sexing Marijuana Plants - - Marijuana Cultivation and Pictures -

P.S. You should check out the GrowFAQs, they have a lot of useful info :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ok so its my first time growing and my friend and i have 5 plants. with three being about 5 and a half feet tall and the others closely catching up. we are growing outside in the woods and we live in new york so its 40 degree latitude. we started growing in the first week of june and we have no clue when they will start to bud or if they are males or what. please help. when will i distinguish the sex and when will they start budding? it has been about 8 weeks and we water them daily and they get a good amount of light.
you should be able to tell the sex pretty soon! look close to the stem where the leaves are growin and you should either see little white hairs coming out which is a female and thats good! or small little balls which is a male and thats not good and you must rip it outta the ground (kill it) becuz it will turn your females into males. you should really read "101 already asked questions" and "how to grow marijuana". its at the top of the newbie central thread. you'll find that most of your questions will be answered there. hope i helped and good luck. happy growing!:peace:

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
Peacemane, a male plant won't turn others around it into males.. The reason that people get rid of them is because they don't want males pollinating their females, causing them to focus more on forming seeds instead of dense buds. Please don't take it the wrong way, I'm not trying to sound nasty:-|

Grow it and roll it!

Well-Known Member
The buds will start forming shortly after they show their sex, and the amount of time needed before harvesting really depends on the strain. All I can say is be patient, the hardest part about all of this shit is waiting until the bud is completely "ripe" if you will..


Well-Known Member
If your in NY, you should have all this wrapped up by the end of Sept, beginning of Oct.
I would say more the end of September though.
You should be seeing their sex in the next couple of weeks. Then it usually takes 6 or so more weeks.
I grew in Maryland before and that is how it worked for me.


Well-Known Member
PM420 gave the best advice so far (except for that female to male thing, sorry Pm)
101 questions, then read GrowFac, It's at the top of every page.
That being said it will probably late Sept to Oct before harvest depending on the strain.
There's a simple and foolproof way to determine the ideal time for harvest using using a magnifier to check the trichomes. Clear tops-not ready, cloudy tops-ready for a heady high. Half cloudy and half amber- good for mind body high. All amber-physical high.
Good luck.