Lets play "Name that sex!" - Blueberry


What's up everyone, cut my vegging 4 days short of the 4 week mark. Picture was taken after day 1 of flowering. My blueberries =D. What you guys think? Am I a proud father of my first female bb?


Well-Known Member
dude 1 day of 12/12 and ask if its female? most strains dont even show preflower till bout 1 wk of 12/12. so jus sit back and relax


Active Member
i'm a first time grower and mine just started showing sex and trust me you will know when its time to take the pic to post on here!! HAHA stay green and keep on the grow!!


all males so far!!
I'll pull our suspect out first thing tomorrow for its photo shoot =D. Until then we shall call it........Lady gaga!! hardy har har. I want at least 1 male to take to another location to get some seedage going :fire: