Lets hear ur tips for growing


Well-Known Member
u need light, soil (maybe not), food n water, the rest is purely knowledge and experience


All winter long I feed the wild turkeys that come out of the woods. I put out cracked corn and usually have a couple of dozen every year and their crap was becoming a problem. Now it's a solution for my fertilizer. I made a pick up tool from a spoon and some bamboo, dry it for at least a year, crush it up and mix with my soil during flower stage. Then I fry up some fresh turkey breast while I fire up a big bong hit, and enjoy the bounty of my labors.


Well-Known Member
start small..

Get a good light, don't skimp.. (600W digi)
Get a single bucket DWC, its the easiest to learn and maintain..
Go buy a clone, or get a clone from someone you know
Before you set up shop get nutrient advice
Get yourself a PPM and a PH tester

And just before you start again, ask a few final questions, post some pics and get some last minute advice