Let's grow a little grow.


New Member
Hey everyone so first i'm going to apologize for the crudeness of this setup i'm just waiting for some things in the mail and then it's all ganna be fixed up.-I planted this seed only two days ago expecting to have some more time. Little guy sprouted early eh?

So ground up i suppose.

My grow space is decently big, though i'm currently only using a small portion.-In my closet-
I don't beleive i'll have any spacing issues with Lst/ topping.
Soil:I'm starting it off on some Hf but i'm considering switching to Of -Happy frog, Ocean forest- for flowering.
It's currently in a 3gal pot witch i plan to use start to finish. Nutrient burn is a concern with the soil and such a large pot for a small plant any advice here?
The seed Is of unkown name though it's claimed to be femenized.

I currently have 1x85wCfl5500k 2x26wcfl warm 3100k- witch i plan to replace with 2x105w6500k- -All wattwage in actual not equivelant.-
and one dual 48"t5fixture with one 6500k 48w and one 2700k48w
-note the fan in the pictures is actually very weak so it works perfectly as close as it is.
I live in the mountains, so in the summer we can leave all the doors/windowsETC, open so ventiliation isn't a problem.

I'm running 24/7, I gave though at pushing it straight 12/12 to see if it's male or female right off the bat. But ive decided to go with this one.

Please let me know what you think and such. Advice, tips, suggestions, comments, questions?



New Member
I'll probably post pictures every day around 8:30-900 pacific

This is the growth from the first picture-from earlier- to now.So this will be considered day one.
und 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
That is a big pot for her being so tiny. It makes proper watering much more difficult. I would get her into a solo cup or something smaller for a week or two.


New Member
Yea, I know all of the risks at using such a big pot so early. I'm not sure why i don't just get a dixie cup or one of the million little pots i have.
I guess it's because i don't want to haha.

Thanks for the care though!


New Member
Word when you get the 105W 6400k those will help a lot, along with your 85W. Just keep them close to the tops of your plants but not touching them. Also make sure you have s=a good amount (5-6) 2700k for flowering and you should be solid.


New Member
Yea my main concern right now is my warm light. I have two 2700k 48"/48w For a T5Fixture but they're jsut like...Kitchen lights not meant for growth though i'm certain it doesn't matter. They have 3250lumen output on each. Though eventually I would like to have a few 1-2foot T5 strips for the sides all in warm light. Once i get mylar though do you think those two lights will be suffecient for flowering?
Also thanks for the feedback guys.

Here she is at 8:30Pm today. -Note the new soily stuff is just some extra peet moss i had from something else. It was only a pinch or so.-


New Member
200+ views and only two replies? Come on guys. Could we get some conversation going? About anything. I may not have posted this here. But i'm always up for some intelligent conversation

Here she is day three.

Mister Black

Active Member
200+ views and only two replies? Come on guys. Could we get some conversation going? About anything. I may not have posted this here. But i'm always up for some intelligent conversation

Here she is day three.
.View attachment 2665401
As a new grower this is an exciting time. Also a boring one from the outside looking in as there is not much plant to talk about. Give it 3 weeks then all kinds of fun stuff will be going on.


New Member
As a new grower this is an exciting time. Also a boring one from the outside looking in as there is not much plant to talk about. Give it 3 weeks then all kinds of fun stuff will be going on.
New grower>?

Yea there isn't much to say about my little lady at the moment. So please feel free to talk about anything in the mean time.


Active Member
Everything looks good to me like! Just make sure it gets adequate water and your fine. Definitely enough lights for right now but you already know youre gonna need more later so yeah. I've just previously started on a CFL grow myself. You can feel free to check it out!


New Member
Yeah the lights you have a fine for vegging, Just need to have like at least 100 actual watts of 2700k in there. Its fine to mix the 6400k and the 2700k just do it at a 2-2700k to 1-6400k
Or for better results for flowering get have 3 2700k bulbs for each 6400k you have.


New Member
I would love to check out your grow, feel free to post a link.

This straighn is a little thirstier than the last i grew. I already made some adjustments to my watering.

-Apakz- 100actual watts of 2700k light. I had though about just buying 100wCfl's in warm light. But i might buy a box of smaller ones. Or just some T5strips. Any opinions on the best method? My reason being is one light will make it very hard to use effectively. Just in the sense of spacing. One light can't be close enough to a flowering plant on each side.-just ranting to myself haha

Thanks for the feedback guys.

Day seven. Growth seems fairly normal, coloring is fine.- once again my poor camera quality makes them appear brighter. She's a very lush dark green.
I'm happy with how short she's staying. I was worried slightly about stretching without my new lights yet. -They should be here today-


New Member
I haven't posted in a few days but she's sprung up. Ganna top her soon and start Lst i'll take pictures tomorrow or the day after.--


Some talking would be nice


New Member
So i haven't posted in a while because i don't have my camera. To take pictures. I used my webcam just for sake of updating but the quality is bad i apologize.

I started flowering on day 24. I'll explain why soon.

We also had a plant outside for a while witch was about 1foot tall or so though very unhealthy. I opted to move it inside with my new one. This plant of unkown strain had been outside for..to long she's much to old for how she....

Though here is where i made a mistake.
I decided to plant the new plant in my plants pot.. so i had to transplant both. My plant didn't take to well, brittling yellowing and rusting.. However! she did recover! and is doing very well now. I've started feeding Some super bloom to them. They seem to be taking well to that as well.

When i get my camera i'll be sure to take pictures of pistils and such as well as the plants them selves in better quality. sorry!

Picture 181.jpgPicture 182.jpg


New Member
And this is the new one that came from outside. It's the same plant bare with me the quality in the pictures is bad. The first is from the front and its just shiny.
Picture 183.jpgPicture 184.jpg


New Member
Updates! here is our first girl!

Picture 186.jpg

Sorry again for bad quality- really need my camera-.

She's gotten quite bushy!!


New Member
And the older lady is going to flower!!!! I didn't think she would living outside starving by herself for two months. But she's growing very well colyx very swollen pushing out some hairs.

I'm excited for here =D

Picture 187.jpg