Let there be white: mc130p's horticultural adventure continues


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow RIU people :) I hope you're all doing well and not getting caught up in the drama of the rat race bongsmilie

I chopped down the Ghost Train Haze #1 after letting her die in the pot a bit...she's a big girl for only two mains! We'll see what it weighs soon :) Coming along next is another bastard child GrinLife :) Here's a bud pic, she's going to be a tasty girl:


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU people, I hope you're all doing well!! :) Well, I forgot to weigh the Ghost Train but I got 8 full 1 quart jars, so probably over three ounces :) Really good smoke this time around too :)

Here's a pic of the GrinLife....still coming along-she's definitely a sativa!



Well-Known Member
Hello RIU people :) I hope you're all doing well!

I've been super busy lately, and it's looking more and more like I'll have to move...still gonna garden though; I save too much money.

Here's a pic of two GrinLife bastard children....the back one is on the final leg! Going to be some really good smoke bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Chopped my GH LSD ......came out OK ,flavor is off the hook
Organically grown does improve taste ,no flush needed. Burns a white ash in a joint

Not gonna run in gh again it don't get big gets 3ft that's it . one seed left .
My seed branch failed ,damn temps dropped to 65 and it melted over nite PM .it had pm the
whole grow kept at bay with horse hair tea.glad I,d chopped 5 days earlier


Well-Known Member
It sounds stupid, but if you let the plant die in the pot without water for a few days, it significantly shortens the cure time.
Not at all, curing like that has a few uses. If you have a room with ~65% RH and let them go in the pot for ~3 weeks, it produces "Gold" phenos ;) You need the higher RH to keep them from drying out too much.

Blue Ripper "Gold"

Cheers :bigjoint: