Let Me Introduce Myself...


Active Member
Hey guys, my name is baz. Im just another underground gardener you probably pass on the street every day. Weed is a massive part of my life, I ma big sativa man, but i am partial to a good knockout indica too!

currently ive grown Mandala - Kalichakra (advised to anyone, beautifull smoke), lowlife - ak47, Lowlife - White russian x Hindu Kush (both had powerful nugs, especially the russian), and LR2.

Im done with autoflowering now, back to the big guns. next im growing a greenhouse sativa selection pack, all the classics!

other than weed, Im big into my music (anything from metal (most types exept metalcore, deathcore and mediocrecore!), rock, folk, jazz, avant garde etc.. and books, conspiricies, and self discovery (third eye, meditation etc..)

so thats me. Ill have pics of my babies (buds) up soon. Nice to meet you all. Happy tokin'

Baz Mikio
Pothead Philosipher