leggy, stretching seedlings


ok, so i started some seedlings under 2 T12 fluorescents. Problem is i had the wrong lights (grow lights...bad), so they are are all stretched out. i'm picking up new lights tomorrow night (cool whites...good). but i'm wondering, once i have the new lights in, can i just pile on more soil to bring the the cotyleons (seed leaves) closer to the soil surface? i know it works with tomatoes. in fact, the tomatoes like it and grow all sorts of fresh roots out of the newly covered leggy stem.


Well-Known Member
It's probably not so much you had the wrong lights (grow lights..good) rather more that you had the lights too far away.


thanks, i probably did have the lights a bit high bec i had little humidity dome baggies over the tops of the cups. maybe i'll just take those off now and bring the lights closer. thanks!


Well-Known Member
i think its funny that grow lights are even worse. if my stems get to long i just gently ease the whole stem/taproot out and replant it, never had any troubles