Legalize marijuana... link inside

Brick Top

New Member
Whatever buddy. You are certainly not helping the cause. End of story.
And putting one's faith in what are best totally hopeless odds isn't going to help either and doing so it irrational, period, thee end.

People like you talk of; "the cause" as if it is a tangible thing. "The cause" is a wish, a dream, a desire and nothing more and it has existed only in the wishes, dreams and desires of some since the parents and in some cases grandparents of members here would sit around fantasizing about the day they could walk down the street or sit in a park or on their porch and openly and safely get high.

Those that make the calls behind the scenes, the ones who operate the strings that control the puppets in congress and the white house don't want legal cannabis unless they can have it on their terms, the way they want it, where it would be legal for them, but not for everyone, and they could control it and use it and profit from it.

When you eventually are capable of understanding that and then accept it you will have taken one large step towards growing up and understanding how things actually work in the U.S.


Well-Known Member
hey peeps, our federal goverment has way to much control over our country as whole, and as much as every1 says we have a voice and a say so but the bottom line is no matter how many signitures u get if our goverment has no desire to make it legal they wont, say u get all the sigs, the govt steps in and says how do we know there all legit, half of them are most likely forged, bam there that goes out the window, imo what will make this drug federally legal, on a countrywide scale, the majority of the states(over 50%) would have to make it legal, bc then the federal wouldnt have much of a choice but to cave and give the ppl what they want, imo u need a hell of a lot more than signitures to make it legal, around 80% of all illicit drug arrest invole marijuana, take that outta the picture the only easy arrests they have are speeding/parking tickets, and theres a good chunk of there salary gone, is much as we look past it our own goverment is no better than a large criminal network such as the cartels, the control they have and the manipulation the use, capitalizing off ppls fears and emotions for there own personal gain, its sickening, just the puppet master working the strings, like i said if they dny want it to happen it wont, and if they do want it to it will, we'd all like to but none of us rele know wtf is going on behind those doors

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Say you get 100,000 names & addresses .... how will 100,000 people out of 311,000,000 U.S. citizens, or out of 177,777,895 registered U.S. voters, be enough to pressure both Houses of Congress to pass the legislation and then be enough to pressure the president into signing it into law, and then be enough to pressure the individual States into legalizing marijuana?

100,000 people is an insignificant number of either citizens or voters. How will an insignificant number of names on a petition apply any pressure, whatsoever, to both Houses of Congress, the president and to the legislatures of 50 individual States and then their Governors?

If you could got 10,000,000 names, all verifiable as registered voters, you MIGHT then be able to apply a very slight amount of pressure ....... maybe ..... with a great deal of luck.

many people are combining their voices via the Free State Project..... check it out

Brick Top

New Member

Gee ... that makes a BIG difference in what the OP is talking about, since as it is said on the page the link you provided said; "What the Free State Project is... The Free State Project is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire."

That changes everything!

Brick Top

New Member search bill 2306 and sign it.

If you want people to be able to sign the online petition you keep pushing you need to edit your previous message to include the HR part before 2306 or else this is all a search will bring up.
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With the HR added you will find this.
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The Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act

H.R. 2306: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011

Summary: To limit the application of Federal laws to the distribution and consumption of marihuana, and for other purposes. (More Info)


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Endorsing Organizations

National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) 359,028 Facebook fans 50,049 Twitter followers

The measure, entitled the ‘Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011,’ prohibits the federal government from prosecuting adults who use or possess personal use amounts of marijuana by removing the plant and its primary psychoactive constituent, THC, from the five schedules of the United States Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Under present law, all varieties of the marijuana plant are defined as illicit Schedule I controlled substances, defined as possessing ‘a high potential for abuse,’ and ‘no currently accepted medical use in treatment.’ This classification is not supported by either existing science or public opinion.
The ‘Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act’ mimics changes enacted by Congress to repeal the federal prohibition of alcohol. Passage of this measure would remove the existing conflict between federal law and the laws of those sixteen states that already allow for the limited use of marijuana under a physicians’ supervision. It would also permit state governments that wish to fully legalize and regulate the responsible use, possession, production, and intrastate distribution of marijuana for all adults to be free to do so without federal interference. In recent years, several states — including California, Massachusetts, and Washington — have considered taking such actions either legislatively or via the ballot initiative process, and it is likely that several additional states will be considering this option in 2012. The citizens and lawmakers of these states should be free to explore these alternate policies — including medicalization, decriminalization, and/or legalization — without running afoul of the federal law.
Over the past 70+ years, the federal criminalization of marijuana has failed to reduce the public’s demand or access to cannabis, and it has imposed enormous fiscal and human costs upon the American people. Further, this policy promotes disrespect for the law and reinforces ethnic and generational divides between the public and law enforcement. Since 1970, police have arrested over 20 million American citizens for marijuana offenses — nearly 90 percent of which were prosecuted for the personal possession of marijuana, not marijuana trafficking or sale. Yet today federal surveys indicate that the public, including America’s young people, have greater access to marijuana — including stronger varieties of marijuana — than ever before. It is time to stop ceding control of the marijuana market to unregulated, criminal entrepreneurs and allow states to enact common sense regulations that seek to govern the adult use of marijuana in a fashion similar to alcohol.
After 70 years of failure it is time for an alternative approach. That is why I’m urging your support for the ‘Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011.’

* This organization’s position on this bill was entered by POPVOX.
Marijuana Policy Project 35,255 Facebook fans 20,162 Twitter followers

On June 23, 2011, a handful of visionary and courageous Members of Congress, led by Rep. Barney Frank, introduced the "Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011," a bill that would treat marijuana the way alcohol is treated under federal law. It would give each state complete freedom to regulate marijuana in the manner it believes is in the best interests of its citizens. If a state wants to make marijuana available to patients, it can. And if it prefers to make marijuana legal for all adults, it can do that, too.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have been wasted on marijuana prohibition over the past forty years. And for what? Usage rates don't change. The price of marijuana doesn't change. All prohibition has done is ensure that profits have remained underground while marijuana itself has been unregulated and less safe.
It is time to tell your representative in Congress to put an end to this massive waste of government resources. States must be set free to experiment with marijuana policy.

* This organization’s position on this bill was entered by POPVOX.
American Humanist Association 24,813 Facebook fans 5,379 Twitter followers

Students for Sensible Drug Policy 24,165 Facebook fans 5,324 Twitter followers

Congressmen Barney Frank and Ron Paul, along with courageous co-sponsors, have introduced H.R. 2306 the "Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011" and we need your help to pass this historic piece of legislation that would end federal marijuana prohibition as we know it. Under this bill, states would have the explicit authority to fully tax and regulate marijuana, and the federal government would protect the state's right to do that. It would also allow states with medical marijuana laws to regulate without fear of federal government prosecutions. But states could also decide to continue prohibiting marijuana.
This is a common sense approach to regulating marijuana that allows states to decide how their citizens want marijuana laws to be implemented and enforced.

* This organization’s position on this bill was entered by POPVOX.
Drug Policy Alliance 18,758 Facebook fans 7,820 Twitter followers

The Drug Policy Alliance encourages the passage of this bill as a method of saving money at the state and federal levels, reducing racial disparities in the criminal justice system, respecting states' rights, decreasing the number of people who receive criminal records for nonviolent drug offenses, and respecting the personal freedom of adults to consume marijuana responsibly.

Americans For Forfeiture Reform 2,314 Facebook fans 321 Twitter followers

H.R. 2306 would limit the application of Federal laws to the distribution and consumption of marijuana leaving it to be a state by state issue.

Unemployed Workers Action Group (UWAG) 275 Twitter followers

Marijuana is less harmful than cigarettes and liquor and it is time we treated it as such.

WinLiberty 7 Facebook fans 45 Twitter followers

Prohibition exacerbates the problems of corruption in government. We don't need any more corrupt officials and law enforcement officers.
More Info: Audit the FED and End Federal Marijuana Prohibition

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