legalize it TV ads


Well-Known Member
i am of the opinion that it will be a long process of people finding cheaper weed.. it will be 2011 at the soonest that it will be legal.. then it will be like 2016 before people really get in gear and the price comes down.. maybe we'll still see something like $50 / oz or more even when there are mainstream sources..


Active Member
yeh man that would be grate man.... who wants it to be expensive anyway except dealers.... dicth the dealers
there was just somthing on the TODAY show about legalizing and they had the guy on there who helped with the comercials and him and two other dr's talked about legalizing. there having a chat on the topic right now on


Well-Known Member
I bet if legalized, there will be a short surge in new growers, and then it will die off and ebay will be flooded with lightly used equipment.

Not everyone can grow, but many will try. Some will do well and give it up just for the mere sake of not wanting the responsibility of caring for them. Most will just head on down to where ever it is that it's being sold and just buy it off a shelf.

Price will remain close to where it's at now.

Think about it, how does Budweiser at Coors make all that money when we all could be just brewing our own in our garage? Same reason, not everyone can brew beer worth drinking, and many are not willing to put the time in when they can just go to the store and drop a few bucks for alcohol.

Anyone know any stats on comparitive pricing of alcohol before, during, and immediately after alcohol prohibition? I bet that right there would give you a really good guess as to what marijuana will do.


Well-Known Member
I bet if legalized, there will be a short surge in new growers, and then it will die off and ebay will be flooded with lightly used equipment.

Not everyone can grow, but many will try. Some will do well and give it up just for the mere sake of not wanting the responsibility of caring for them. Most will just head on down to where ever it is that it's being sold and just buy it off a shelf.

Price will remain close to where it's at now.

Think about it, how does Budweiser at Coors make all that money when we all could be just brewing our own in our garage? Same reason, not everyone can brew beer worth drinking, and many are not willing to put the time in when they can just go to the store and drop a few bucks for alcohol.

Anyone know any stats on comparitive pricing of alcohol before, during, and immediately after alcohol prohibition? I bet that right there would give you a really good guess as to what marijuana will do.

finally someone who gets it. :clap: :blsmoke: :peace:


Active Member
Think about it, how does Budweiser at Coors make all that money when we all could be just brewing our own in our garage? Same reason, not everyone can brew beer worth drinking, and many are not willing to put the time in when they can just go to the store and drop a few bucks for alcohol..
i think you're missing the big picture.
imho it would be comparatively simple to have a significant business growing weed in terms of quantity of product versus space and overhead. so while i agree that get-rich-quickers will have a short-term effect of flooding the market, i believe in the longterm there will be far more weed on the market due to new successful growers and previous growers upscaling their crop.
on the flip side of that, think of the space, overhead, and labor it would take to start an actual business in brewing versus hobby-brewers making a few sixpacks for friends and family. thats why i think the comparison is apples/oranges.

*sorry for the late edit. sometimes i forget to finish my point :p


Well-Known Member
i'm pretty much all up in the medical stuff. i know A LOT of smokers. we are pretty relaxed here and can easily grow what we need for our own personal needs. most people i know don't. they work, have friends, social lives, family. live in apartments, with family, in rough neighborhoods. not everyone is in a situtaion to where they can or are even willing to set up a grow. some people can't keep a plant alive no matter what it is. i know people that kill cactus.

we have several clubs here in town. why?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
It will put the criminals out of business, but I agree the prices would remain about the same. More supply = lower prices, but there will be more competition, and the whole reason for doing this is to tax the heck out of it. Look at the price of cigarettes, and alcohol.

I wouldn't be surprised to see states start pushing this through in a hurry, just as they did, river boat gambling. Many states are bankrupt because of the state of the economy, and they would rather sell out rather than cut government programs. $40 for a pack of joints seems about right, but with taxes $80 - $100 maybe?


Well-Known Member
Demand will always be greater than supply. If it's legal, it will be still difficult to get hold of at your own convenience. Stoners are 24/7. The extra media attention toward legalisation is a step in the right direction though.


Well-Known Member
It would be very nice. I dont think it would stay the same, prices will fluctuate, and go down on the open market. Only based on quality of the product. Growers will find they probably cannot keep thier stock around because buyers will come out of the woodwork and come-a-knockin'.

Competition will speedily erupt between alot of folks. Equipment prices will go sky high I believe. It would be a reversal.

C02 climate change/global warmingz may get a dent knocked into it from all the new green outside from our ladys sucking it up.


Active Member
C02 climate change/global warmingz may get a dent knocked into it from all the new green outside from our ladys sucking it up.
ok at this part you crossed over into wacky-land.
not to mention the negative impact of increased carbon emissions from all those joints, bongs, and bowls :p


Well-Known Member
ok at this part you crossed over into wacky-land.
not to mention the negative impact of increased carbon emissions from all those joints, bongs, and bowls :p

Hey man cmon, Im hoping the government is watching man. haha. You wanna save the earth right? 3.6 degrees! LEGALIZE IT! THINK OF THE OZONE!

Dolce Vita

Active Member
I bet if legalized, there will be a short surge in new growers, and then it will die off and ebay will be flooded with lightly used equipment.

Not everyone can grow, but many will try. Some will do well and give it up just for the mere sake of not wanting the responsibility of caring for them. Most will just head on down to where ever it is that it's being sold and just buy it off a shelf.

Price will remain close to where it's at now.

Think about it, how does Budweiser at Coors make all that money when we all could be just brewing our own in our garage? Same reason, not everyone can brew beer worth drinking, and many are not willing to put the time in when they can just go to the store and drop a few bucks for alcohol.

Anyone know any stats on comparitive pricing of alcohol before, during, and immediately after alcohol prohibition? I bet that right there would give you a really good guess as to what marijuana will do.
Who are you, dick morris? haha